
Volleyball is a popular sport in Indonesia. This can be evidenced by the many volleyball teams formed, either in the city or in the countryside. In a volleyball game, there are 4 basic techniques that must be mastered by every player, namely: and be passing, serving, smashing, and blacking. In order for an athlete to play volleyball able to perform well needs to equip themselves with the right techniques and skill in addition a good ne’orshe physical condition is essential. So the question we need answered is this : what technical skills are required to play on the volleyball team, PBV Fantastic Sumenep. The purpose of this study was to determine the technical skills needed to play on the men's volleyball team PBV Fantastic Sumenep, and help contribute to the knowledge of the coaches and players in this aspect volleyball. The population in this study is the men's team PBV Fantastic Sumenep. And the number of samples 8 players. The variables in this study  is to capture data using tables in the field research and direct observation and using videotape documentation during the game. Once the data is obtained do calculation we can form a hypothesis. We should be able to calculate the mean and average percentages after analysing the game data. In the first set PBV Fantastic Sumenep had an average best technical skill in passing below the mean (5.12) at (32.35%) and in the second, passing was under the mean (6.75) at (30.16%), while the lowest was in the first set where blocking with skills was bellow the mean (1.37) at (8.73%). In the second set  service was at (11.17%) . the technigue mean is (0.25). After analysis of the data it can be concluded that team PBV Fantastic Sumenep have the best skills in the first set although in the second set they dopped below the mean. The lowest skills displayed in the first and second sets were for serving and blocking.

Keywords : Analysis, skills volleyball

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