• Ning Sulikah Jurusan PGSD FIP Unesa


Abstrak: Pembelajaran IPS di kelas V SDI Arrosyiid Mojokerto belum optimal. Terbukti bahwa sekitar 54% atau sebanyak 13 siswa masih mendapat nilai di bawah kriteria ketuntasan minimal yang ditetapkan yaitu 70, dan 46% atau sebanyak 11 siswa mendapat nilai di atas 70. Guru tidak menggunakan media pembelajaran saat mengajar sehingga pembelajaran  terkesan monoton. Pada akhirnya, siswa merasa kesulitan  dalam menceritakan kembali materi peristiwa bersejarah dan tidak mampu mencapai ketuntasan yang ditetapkan. Oleh karena itu, ditawarkan solusi untuk mengatasi rendahnya kemampuan siswa dalam menceritakan kembali peristiwa bersejarah dengan menerapkan metode mind mapping. Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dari 3 siklus. Subjek penelitian ini adalah guru dan siswa kelas V SDI Arrosyiid Mojokerto yang berjumlah 24 siswa, dimana siswa laki – laki terdiri dari 15 siswa dan perempuan 9 siswa. Data penelitian diperoleh melalui observasi, tes. Data observasi kegiatan pembelajaran dianalisis dalam bentuk persentase dan nilai pencapaian kegiatan pembelajaran. Hasil pelaksanaan  pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan dari siklus I  ke siklus II dan siklus III. Aktivitas guru pada siklus I sebesar 75%, siklus II sebesar 78,57%, dan siklus III sebesar 87,5%. Skor hasil belajar siswa meningkat dari siklus I, siklus II, dan siklus III, persentase keberhasilan siswa pada siklus I sebesar 71,42%, siklus II sebesr 76,78%, dan siklus III sebesar 87,5%. Dari hasil tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa dengan menerapkan  metode mind mapping dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS di kelas V SDI Arrosyiid Mojokerto.

Kata Kunci: Metode Mind Mapping dalam pembelajaran langsung , Hasil Belajar, IPS.

Abstract: Social learning in class V Arrosyiid Arrosyiid Islamic Elementary Scool Mojokerto not optimal. Proved that about 54 % or as many as 13 students still scored below the minimum completeness criteria set of 70 , and 46 % or as many as 11 students scored above 70 . Teachers do not use instructional media in teaching so that learning monotonous . In the end , the students had difficulty in retelling the historical events of the material and not able to achieve mastery set . Therefore , offered a solution to overcome the low ability students in retelling historical events by applying the method of mind mapping . The study design used was action research that consists of 3 cycles . The subjects were teachers and students of class V SDI Arrosyiid Mojokerto totaling 24 students , where students are male - made ​​up of 15 male and female students 9 students . Data were obtained through observation , tests . Observation data were analyzed in the form of learning activities and the percentage of the value of the achievement of learning activities . The results of the implementation of learning has increased from cycle I to cycle II and cycle III . Teacher activity in the first cycle by 75 % , the second cycle of 78.57 % , and the third cycle of 87.5 % . Scores increased student learning outcomes of the first cycle , second cycle and third cycle , the percentage of successful students in the first cycle of 71.42 % , 76.78 % for the second cycle and third cycle of 87.5 % . From these results it can be concluded that by applying the method of mind mapping to improve student learning outcomes in social studies in class V  Arrosyiid Islamic Elementary School Mojokerto.

Keywords : Method of Mind Mapping in direct learning , Learning Outcomes , Social

Author Biography

Ning Sulikah, Jurusan PGSD FIP Unesa
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