
Penggunaan baja kastela dalam pelaksanaan konstruksi akan memperoleh suatu penghematan biaya yang cukup berarti dari segi penggunaan material baja, di samping itu lebih bersifat padat karya. Penambahan lebar profil yang lebih tinggi dari aslinya, menjadikan momen inersia dan modulus penampang bertambah serta kapasitas lentur, lendutan, dan geser meningkat.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian uji laboratorium yang menggunakan profil baja sebagai bahan utama dalam penelitian. Pada penelitian ini akan dibuat enam benda uji, satu benda uji bahan dan lima benda uji baja castellated beam. Perbandingan dTa dan dTb yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu, BU1 : dтb = dтa, BU2 : dтb = 15% dтa, BU3: dтb = 30% dтa, BU4: dтb =  45% dтa, BU5: dтb =  60%   dтa yang kemudian akan diuji lendutannya.   

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pergeseran lubang balok kastela ke bawah akan memperluas daerah tekan. Semakin luas daerah tekan maka nilai momennya semakin besar. Nilai tegangan tarik hampir sama dengan nilai tegangan tekan sehingga tegangan dapat tersalurkan secara merata. Perhitungan Vu < Vn  sebagai perencanaan kuat geser telah terpenuhi. Selain itu perluasan daerah tekan juga mempengaruhi besar nilai lendutan dan buckling. Jadi, ditinjau dari indikasi momen, kekuatan geser, tegangan, lendutan, dan buckling penampang balok kastela yang paling optimal yaitu benda uji 3 (dтb = 30% dтa) dengan kekuatan lentur sebesar 16,15 % melebihi kekuatan balok kastela normal.

Kata kunci : Balok kastela, kuat lentur, momen,dTa dan dTb.

Castellated  profiles are usually used for floor beams and roof beams  which strand is long enough. The changes the steel becomes castellated will experience a reduction in the density of steel itself and improve the high-profile as needed. The use of steel castellated, the construction will have a significant cost savings in terms of the use of steel material, in addition, more labor intensive. The addition width higher profile than the original making the moment of inertia and section modulus increases as well as the bending capacity, deflection, and shear increases.

Type of research is a laboratory test that uses steel profile as the main material in research. In this research will be made six test objects, the test object material and five test specimens castellated beam with a length of each specimen approximately 1.6 meters. Comparison of dTa and dTb used in this research are, BU1: dтb = dтa, BU2: dтb = 15% dтa, BU3: dтb = 30% dтa, BU4: dтb = 45% dтa, BU5: dтb = 60% dтa later would be tested deflection of objects.

The result of research showed that the shift to the bottom of the hole castellated beam would extend the compressive area.  Increasingly wide area compressive the greater the value of the moment. In terms of stress, tensile stress value is almost equal to the value of the compressive stress so that the stress can be distributed evenly. Calculation of shear strength Vu < Vn  as planning has been fulfilled by the nominal shear strength  and force latitude of loading.  Then, expansion of the compressive area also affects large deflection and buckling. So, Terms of indication moment, shear strength, stress, deflection and buckling the optimization of castellated beam is objects 3 (dтb = 30% dтa)  with  flexural strength is 16,15% exceeds the strength of the normal castellated.

Keywords: Beam castellated, flexural strength, moments, dтa and dтb.

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