The Commercium 2024-06-29T05:56:56+00:00 Mutiah Open Journal Systems IMPLEMENTATION OF J99 FOUNDATION'S CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) PROGRAM IN AN EFFORT TO IMPROVE CORPORATE IMAGE THROUGH THE SOCIO-CULTURAL SECTOR IN THE GREATER MALANG AREA 2024-05-29T08:47:54+00:00 Akhmad Ainur Roziqin Muhammad Danu Winata <p>Company image is one form of perception of a problem which includes visual impressions to observations. There are so many improvement processes based on products, behaviors, and services that are directly faced with the community and become core values formulated by the company. The classification of the existence of CSR programs in the cultural sector in the J99 foundation is certainly the main object in carrying out CSR implementation in the greater Malang area. The implementation process conveyed is not only accepted by the public, but also able to become a reputation capital to achievements that aim to create harmony between others. The method used in this study certainly has a correlation with the number of programs in the socio-cultural sector that are equipped with facts and reality. The results of this study can be concluded that there is a sustainability program that has a positive impact both in terms of social, economic, and also the environment. In addition, there is also an increase in awareness in responding to social life.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-29T08:47:24+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## GREEN MARKETING COMMUNICATION STRATEGY AT HALO IJO SUPPORTING ENVIRONMENTAL-FRIENDLY CAMPAIGN TO CONSUMERS 2024-05-30T02:57:01+00:00 Wikan Putra Pamungkas Putri Aisyiyah Rachma <div class="page" title="Page 1"> <div class="layoutArea"> <div class="column"> <p>Air pollution is apressing issue within society, primarily due to the widespread use of motor vehicles emitting carcinogenic exhaust fumes. Recognizing the environmental concern, Halo Ijo is a green losgistic service for goods delivery, has embraced the concept of green marketing. The research aim to understand the marketing communication strategies employed by Halo Ijo to support theris environmentally friendly campaign and identify potential obstacles to their green marketing efforts. This study adopts a case study methodology with a qualitative descript approach, accumulating data through interviews with key figures and observation. The interviewees include the founder of Halo Ijo and two of its couriers. The theoretical framework utilized in this research is based on kotlers’s theory, which outlines the fundamental marketing mix activities: Public Relations, Advertising, Sales Promotion, and Personal Selling. The findings highlight the integration of these marketing mix activities through online media and other initiatives undertaken by Halo IJo to promote their environmentally friendly campaign. These rsearch also aims to identify any challenges or hidrances faced by Halo Ijo in implementing their green marketing strategies.</p> </div> </div> </div> 2024-05-30T02:57:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALYSIS OF SURABAYA WOMEN'S GEN Z RECEPTION TO PRODUCT SALES MUSLIM CLOTHING ON LIVE TIKTOK SHOP 2024-06-06T07:55:17+00:00 Yazz Daniar Izzah Salsabilah Puspita Sari Sukardani <p>Currently, social media has various functions, one of its functions is to help in the world of buying and <br>selling, the social media chosen in this study is the TikTok Shop social media platform with its live shopping <br>features. How does the audience view the live tiktok shop with the sale of Muslim clothing products in it. <br>This research is qualitative research using Stuart Hall's reception theory. This theory explains how a media <br>broadcast can influence its audience so that it can be categorized into three parts, Dominance, Negotiation <br>and Opposition. Data collection techniques were carried out by means of interviews and in-depth <br>observation. The selected audience is generation Z women in Surabaya, how the audience accepts and <br>interprets the broadcast of the live tiktok shop with the sale of Muslim clothing products in it, the result is <br>that there are audiences who agree and accept well as a whole, there are audiences who accept but with <br>consideration, and there are audiences who disagree and do not accept well the existence of a live tiktok <br>shop with the sale of Muslim clothing.</p> 2024-06-06T07:55:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Stand Up Comedian Dramaturgy in Conveying Opinions and Social Criticism 2024-06-12T00:44:33+00:00 Gusti Ayu Yulia Dewi Gilang Gusti Aji <p>Stand Up Comedy has become a medium for conveying opinions and social criticism based on <br>restlessness. In achieving the show's goal of being known to a wide audience, comics run the risk of <br>being restricted and restrained. For this reason, the research aims to find out how comic dramaturgy <br>practices in conveying opinions and social criticism. The type of research is qualitative. The research <br>method is phenomenology. The theory used is Erving Goffman's Dramaturgy. The research subjects are <br>comics who have experience of repression and comics who have a critical persona but are still able to <br>carry out their performances amidst the risk of repression. This research found that the type of social <br>criticism regarding political, educational and cultural issues is most vulnerable to repression from <br>outside parties. The forms of comic repression experience range from reprimands to threats and forced <br>removal of social media accounts. There was a fearful response from comics, but there were also comics <br>who continued to run the show. Behind the stage, actors prepare the performance to minimize problems <br>arising from the performance. The aspects that comics pay attention to are (1) Material preparation; (2) <br>Material delivery techniques; (3) Self-positioning; (4) Control the audience by not recording and just <br>posting content.</p> 2024-06-12T00:44:33+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE INFLUENCE OF ELECTRONIC WORD OF MOUTH ON ONLINE PURCHASE DECISIONS FOR MONITOR PRODUCTS 2024-06-13T07:17:35+00:00 Ivan Rizqi Firdaus Anam Miftakhul Huda <p><em>The background to this research began with the existence of an online discussion place through an application called Discord, where the online discussion place was formed by </em>GTID<em> with a total of 46,884 members. In the </em>GTID <em>Discord, information is exchanged about electronic products, one of which is monitors, where the information is provided by members who need information about certain monitor products. This research aims to find out how much the Discord</em> GTID<em> discussion forum can influence online purchasing decisions for monitor products.The research uses Stimulus Response theory, with a quantitative approach. Sample determination uses purposive sampling techniques with the criteria of </em>GTID <em>Discord members, wanting to buy monitors online, having interacted in searching for information about monitors. Data collection was carried out using a survey method, namely by distributing questionnaires via Google Form, the analysis used was a simple linear regression analysis method which was processed using the </em>SPSS <em>application with hypothesis testing, namely the t test with t-count calculations.Based on the presentation of the results of the hypothesis test which has been carried out using a simple linear regression test method, it can be seen that the </em>resulting<em> R square value is 0.350, which means 35% of online, by obtaining the regression equation </em>Y 17.278 + 0.874X<em> with the results of the t test where .</em></p> 2024-06-13T07:17:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE EFFECT OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY (CSR) ON IMAGE PT TERMINAL TELUK LAMONG (STUDY ON THE UMKM KANTIN AND UMKM CORNER) 2024-06-24T23:10:34+00:00 Irndika Pramestya Mardiana Tatak Setiadi <p><em>The company's image is formed by various activities carried out by the company, such as corporate social responsibility. The efforts made by PT Terminal Teluk Lamong to build a positive image include implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This study aims to determine the influence of CSR on the image of PT Terminal Teluk Lamong. The research adopts an explanatory method with a quantitative approach. The results of the correlation coefficient test show a value of 0.597, indicating a significant influence of CSR on the image of PT Terminal Teluk Lamong, which is considered quite strong. The coefficient of determination test results show that 35.6% is influenced by CSR, while the remaining 64.5% is influenced by other factors not explained in this regression model. Through the CSR programs for UMKM Canteens and UMKM corners, PT Terminal Teluk Lamong demonstrates its commitment to contributing to the improvement of the local community's economic well-being. As a result, the company has successfully built a positive image as an agent of change that cares about and effectively contributes to economic growth.</em></p> 2024-06-24T23:10:34+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PROMOSI INSTAGRAM @SSCHILDSIDOARJO TERHADAP MINAT MENJADI RELAWAN PADA PROGRAM KELAS MERDEKA SAVE STREET CHILD SIDOARJO 2024-06-24T23:13:56+00:00 Laurita Maudia Puspita Sukardani <p><em>Promotion is not only relevant to for-profit companies or organizations, but also essential for a community or non-profit organization. The presence of the Save Street Child Sidoarjo community is a response to the social issue of street children in Sidoarjo, particularly in the field of education. This community has carried out a series of promotional efforts aimed at increasing volunteer interest as educators in the Kelas Merdeka program run through the Instagram account @sschildsdioarjo. This study aims to determine the influence of Instagram promotion @sschildsidoarjo on interest in becoming volunteers in the Free Class program of Save Street Child Sidoarjo. The research is a correlational quantitative study with a simple linear regression method. The results of this study indicate that Instagram promotion has a positive and significant influence on the dependent variable, Interest. This means that the better the promotion conducted through Instagram @sschildisodarjo, the more it will increase someone's interest in becoming a volunteer in the Kelas Merdeka program of Save Street Child Sidoarjo. The high percentage of influence at 59.2% indicates that the Instagram promotion efforts @sschildsidoarjo have successfully created a significant impact in increasing individuals' interest in participating as volunteers in the Kelas Merdeka program.</em></p> 2024-06-24T23:13:56+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH MOTIF PENGGUNAAN APLIKASI RRI DIGITAL TERHADAP MINAT DENGAR DI RADIO REPUBLIK INDONESIA 2024-06-27T07:55:19+00:00 Yulia Putri Sulistya Jauhar Wahyuni <p><em>Radio Republik Indonesia continues to strive to continue transforming in the digital era by continuing to develop the RRI Digital streaming radio application which makes RRI different from other radio stations. At RRI Digital, users are given the choice to access content that suits their desires, interests and needs. Therefore, media users have certain motives to fulfill their needs. The motive for using media needs to be questioned whether this motive can be satisfied after accessing the media. This is in accordance with the Uses and Gratifications theory, which states that audiences actively choose media that best suits their needs. After rebranding, the program previously called RRI Play Go has now changed its name to RRI Digital. Users of this program can quickly access news, music, podcasts and RRI broadcasts throughout Indonesia at any time and from any location. The aim of this research is to find out whether interest in listening to Radio Republik Indonesia is influenced by the reasons behind using the RRI Digital application. This type of research is quantitative and uses a purposive sampling approach by selecting 100 respondents for the survey using basic linear regression analysis techniques. Research findings show that interest in listening to Radio Republik Indonesia is influenced by the reasons behind using the RRI Digital application</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-06-27T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE INFLUENCE OF DIGITAL MARKETING AND WORD OF MOUTH ON INCREASING BRAND AWARENESS AT PT. CICIL SOLUSI MITRA TEKNOLOGI IN THE CITY OF SURABAYA 2024-06-29T05:56:56+00:00 Athiyya Nabila Fitri Norhabiba <p>The purpose of this research is to find out whether digital marketing and word of mouth can influence increasing PT brand awareness. Installment Technology Partner Solutions in the City of Surabaya. The research method uses a descriptive quantitative approach with an online survey method of students at 25 universities in Surabaya who are followers and users of PT. Installment Technology Partner Solutions. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression to test the hypothesis that digital marketing and word of mouth have a positive influence on increasing brand awareness at PT. Installment Technology Partner Solutions. The results of the research show that digital marketing and word of mouth can influence followers in increasing brand awareness at the recognition stage. It is hoped that this research can contribute to understanding the influence of digital marketing and word of mouth on increasing PT brand awareness. Installment Technology Partner Solutions in the City of Surabaya.</p> 2024-06-29T05:56:56+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##