The Commercium 2024-04-15T23:50:01+00:00 Mutiah Open Journal Systems IMPLEMENTASI DIGITAL MARKETING LAYANAN JASA KURIR JASKU DI MADURA 2024-01-16T06:07:31+00:00 Mohammad Rifqie Zidane Maghrobie Puspita Sari Sukardani <p><span class="fontstyle0">Hadirnya digital marketing semakin memudahkan para pengusaha untuk memasarkan produk atau layanan jasa mereka. Layanan Jasa Kurir atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai Jasku memanfaatkan sosial media sebagai kebutuhan mereka dalam memasarkan layanan mereka secara digital agar semakin dikenal luas oleh masyarakat Madura. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk dapat memahami implementasi digital marketing yang dilakukan oleh layanan Jasku di Madura. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan teori digital marketing, terkhusus pada konsep Social media marketing (SMM). Data pada penelitian ini diperoleh melalui wawancara secara mendalam kepada owner layanan Jasku, tim kreator layanan Jasku serta tambahan data dari dua konsumen layanan Jasku, pengamatan pada sosial media layanan jasku, dan dokumentasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah layanan Jasku menggunakan tiga sosial media, yaitu Instagram, WhatsApp, dan Tiktok sebagai bentuk pemasaran secara digital mereka. Adanya pembagian pengalaman secara sukarela oleh konsumen juga menjadi pemasaran secara sukarela pada layanan Jasku. Hambatan pada implementasi pemasaran digital yang dilakukan Jasku ada pada kurangnya informasi mengenai layanan digital di masyarakat Madura sehingga seringkali terjadi kesalahan komunikasi antara layanan Jasku dengan konsumen.</span> </p> 2024-01-16T06:07:31+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## COMMUNICATION PATTERNS OF SINGLE MOTHERS IN THE EDUCATION OF ADOLESCENT CHILDREN IN MOJOKERTO 2024-01-24T03:38:14+00:00 Salsabila Karina Putri Mutiah S.Sos., M.I.Kom. <p>In 2022, there will be 4,253 couples in Mojokerto who will divorce, the causes are quarrels, economic<br>problems, polygamy and apostasy. Jetis District in Mojokerto has the highest divorce rate, which has an<br>impact on the increasing number of single parents. Divorce not only has an impact on husband and wife,<br>but also on children, especially teenagers. The impact includes feelings of insecurity, loneliness, and<br>feelings of guilt in children. Researchers used a qualitative approach with phenomenological methods<br>and three communication patterns, namely, Authoritarian, Authoritative, and Permissive. The research<br>results showed that of the 6 single parents studied, the family communication patterns applied varied,<br>including Authoritarian, Authoritative, and Permissive. This research aims to understand how single<br>parent mothers' communication patterns influence their relationships with their teenage children and the<br>formation of teenagers' self-concept. In facing the challenging teenage years, effective communication<br>between single parents and children is very important to ensure healthy development and a good<br>relationship between the two. The research results showed that of the 6 single parents in Jetis, Mojokerto,<br>there were variations in the family communication patterns they adopted. Most use authoritative patterns&nbsp;which have been proven to be effective in educating teenagers. proven authoritative, suitable for use by<br>single parents educating teenage children.</p> 2024-01-24T03:38:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## COMMUNICATION ON EMPOWERMENT OF JOINT BUSINESS GROUPS (KUBE) BY THE PROBOLINGGO REGENCY SOCIAL SERVICE 2024-01-25T07:26:31+00:00 Efdon Dwy Candra Awang Dharmawan <p>Poverty is one of the problems in Probolinggo Regency, the Probolinggo Regency Social Service has made various efforts to reduce the level of poverty. One of them is through a Joint Business Group (KUBE)-based empowerment program such as that carried out for the Harapan Family KUBE in Asembagus Village, Kraksaan District, Probolinggo Regency. The success of this program in reducing the level of poverty is closely related to the empowerment communication carried out by the Probolinggo Regency Social Service. In this regard, the aim of this research is to determine the empowerment communication applied in the KUBE Keluarga Harapan empowerment program so that it can be as successful as it is now using Miles and Huberman's analysis and Wilbur Schramm's communication theory.. This research is qualitative research with a case study method. Data was obtained from interviews, observation and documentation. The results of this research show that the KUBE-based empowerment program carried out by the Probolinggo Regency Social Service uses the concept of participatory empowerment communication. Coordination carried out with various parties gave rise to consensus and synergy in making the program a success. Group mentors also build good relationships with the group they accompany so that it has an impact on the survival and sustainability of the group.</p> 2024-01-25T07:26:31+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERSEPSI REMAJA TENTANG TVRI JATIM SEBAGAI MEDIA PENYIARAN PUBLIK LOKAl 2024-01-27T07:13:01+00:00 Muhammad Fawwaz Wildani Awang Dharmawan <p>The development of information technology and information signifies the progress of mass media, such as television. The</p> <p>television industry in Indonesia has experienced rapid growth, with the emergence of various local to national television</p> <p>stations competing to meet public interests. With digital advancements, teenagers' interest in watching television tends to</p> <p>decline due to the presence of new media platforms with easier access. Adolescents prefer digital content such as social</p> <p>media and streaming videos over watching television, especially considering the presentation of content.Given these</p> <p>issues, the researcher aims to understand teenagers' perspectives regarding public television in the era of social media.</p> <p>This study aims to explore teenagers' perceptions of TVRI as a local public broadcasting media. The concept of perception</p> <p>used in this research is derived from Deddy Mulyana's book, encompassing three processes: sensation, attention, and</p> <p>interpretation. This is a qualitative research study utilizing a case study method. Data collection is obtained through Focus</p> <p>Group Discussions (FGD).The findings of this research indicate that, from the perspective of teenagers, TVRI Jawa</p> <p>Timur's programs still require the development of innovative content to capture their interest. The process of forming</p> <p>perceptions among teenagers aligns with the concept outlined by Deddy Mulyana, involving sensation, attention, and</p> <p>interpretation.</p> 2024-01-27T07:13:01+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALISIS RESEPSI PRIA TERHADAP ISU ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP DALAM DRAMA KOREA NEVERTHELESS 2024-01-31T05:33:44+00:00 Afifa Arini Rachmawati <p>Kemajuan teknologi yang terus berkembang pada masa ini, membuat film lebih menarik minat penonton <br>sehingga dapat mempengaruhi perilaku dan nilai masyarakat melalui tampilan audio visual yang <br>menarik. Drama Korea “Nevertheless” merupakan drama yang memberikan edukasi bagi anak muda <br>generasi saat ini. Drama Korea “Nevertheless” tidak lepas dari intrik masalah isu abusive relationship sosial <br>yang terasa realistis, yaitu tentang penguasa yang memanfaatkan pasangan dan kelemahan pasangannya. <br>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pemaknaan khalayak sebagai generasi muda terhadap isu <br>abusive rekationship dalam Drama Korea “Nevertheless”. <br>Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis resepsi, dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik <br>pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dokumentasi dan wawancara mendalam terhadap tujuh <br>informan laki-laki di Surabaya dan/ atau sekitarnya. <br>Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa makna yang dihasilkan oleh khalayak dari proses ‘meaning <br>structure 1’ dan ‘meaning structure 2’ tidak identik secara langsung. Latar belakang pendidikan, budaya, <br>dan pengalaman menjadi faktor yang signifikan dalam menentukan kategori yang tepat untuk <br>menempatkan posisi khalayak. Dari tujuh informan yang telah diwawancarai pada penelitian ini, <br>ditemukan lima dalam posisi dominan, dua dalam posisi negosiasi, dan tidak ditemukan informan pada <br>posisi oposisi. Pada penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa apa yang ditampilkan oleh Drama Korea <br>“Nevertheless” dalam menyajikan nilai isu abusive relationship berhasil memberikan edukasi tentang <br>hubungan yang tidak sehat dan disetujui oleh para informan.</p> 2024-01-31T05:33:44+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING PADA INSTAGRAM STASIUN DANGDUT JTV TERHADAP BRAND AWARENESS JTV SURABAYA 2024-02-04T03:12:53+00:00 Azizah Dwiputri Harydar Vinda Maya Setianingrum <p>Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara <em>social media marketing</em> pada Instagram Stasiun Dangdut JTV terhadap <em>brand awareness</em> JTV Surabaya. Metode penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan metode penelitian analisis pengaruh. Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk mengetahui optimalisasi dari adanya <em>social media marketing</em> yakni dengan mengukur tingkat <em>brand awareness</em> yang telah didapatkan oleh pengikut Instagram Stasiun Dangdut JTV Surabaya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan program televisi lokal Stasiun Dangdut JTV Surabaya telah memanfaatkan media sosial Instagram miliknya dengan baik sehingga dapat mempengaruhi pengikutnya yakni menimbulkan kesadaran merek tahap akhir yaitu Puncak Pikiran <em>(Top of Mind)</em> hingga dapat memasukkan merek JTV Rek (Surabaya) ke dalam kategori pelopor program dangdut stasiun televisi lokal.</p> 2024-02-04T03:12:53+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## CO-BRANDING STRATEGY BETWEEN AZARINE AND MARVEL TO INCREASE PRODUCT SALES 2024-02-27T02:33:34+00:00 Marsa Faaiza Hardiyanti Mutiah, S.Sos., M.I.Kom. <p>Co-branding strategies have become a popular approach for companies to increase the visibility and sales of<br>their products by leveraging the strength of established brands. In this context, this research explores the <br>collaboration between Azarine, a leading cosmetics brand, and Marvel, an entertainment company widely <br>known for its iconic superhero characters. This research aims to analyze the co-branding strategy used by <br>Azarine and Marvel and its impact on product sales. The research method used is case analysis by collecting <br>data from various sources including interviews with company management and consumer surveys. The <br>analysis results show that the collaboration between Azarine and Marvel has succeeded in creating unique <br>cosmetic products with a superhero theme that are liked by fans of both brands. Integrated marketing strategies, <br>including social media campaigns, advertising, and promotional appearances at special events, have been <br>effective in increasing brand awareness and consumer interest.</p> 2024-02-27T02:33:34+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PESAN PSYCHOLOGICAL PRICING TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN KONSUMEN PRODUK FASHION WANITA DALAM E-COMMERCE SHOPEE 2024-02-29T01:42:58+00:00 Rama Febryanta Arjana Fitri Norhabiba <p>This research aims to finds put how psychological pricing messages influence consumer purchasing decisions for women’s fashion products on Shopee. The Research sample was residents of the city of Surabaya who were aged 17-25 years old and had purchased fashion products on the Shopee in the last 3-4 months. This research uses quantitatives approach and to collect data using the method of distributing questionnares which are distributed to respondents who comply with the research criteria. The data analysis technique used&nbsp; in this research is simple linear regression analysis with the f test (simultaneous). The research results show data that psychological pricing messages have an influence on purchasing decisions for women’s fashion products by 0,446 or 44,6%, which if rounded up becomes 45%. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be also concluded that psychological pricing messages have a significant influence on purchasing decisions for women’s fashion products&nbsp; in Shopee. It’s also hoped that this research can become a source of literature and reference related to marketing communication strategies by students, institutions and the general public.</p> 2024-02-29T01:42:58+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE INFLUENCE OF LIVE STREAMING SHOPPING BY INFLUENCERS ON PURCHASE DECISIONS AT TIKTOK SHOP (Survey on @louissescarlettfamily’s Live Streaming Shopper) 2024-03-04T03:59:48+00:00 Tira Mada Herma Retno Prabayanti <p>Live streaming shopping is a new way to carry out marketing and sales by utilizing live streaming technology. This technology allows sellers or streamers to interact in real-time with their viewers. Utilizing the role of influencers in live streaming shopping is expected to have an impact on consumer trust in the products offered, resulting in increased transactions. This research aims to determine the influence of live streaming shopping by influencer Louisse Scarlett on purchasing decisions at the Tiktok Shop. By using a positivistic approach in the form of quantitative research, this research uses a causal associative method to reveal the causal relationship between live streaming shopping by influencers variables and purchasing decision variables. The population in this research are viewers who have made purchases on influencer Louisse Scarlett’s live streaming shopping. The sampling technique used accidental sampling by paying attention to several sample criteria. The number of samples in this research was 260 respondents. Data collection using survey techniques was done using a questionnaire in the form of a Google Form that was distributed online. The data validity test technique in this research was analyzed using the Pearson's Product Moment correlation equation. The reliability test in this study used the Cronbach Alpha coefficient equation. Based on the results of data analysis using Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient, a correlation coefficient value of 0.490 was obtained with a significance value of &lt;0.001. It can be concluded that there is a significant influence from live streaming shopping by influencer Louisse Scarlett on purchase decisions at the Tiktok Shop. The most dominant indicator of the live&nbsp;streaming shopping variable by influencer Louisse Scarlett is information quality, while the most dominant indicator of the purchasing decision variable is purchase time.</p> 2024-03-04T03:59:48+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE ROLE OF COMMUNITY MARKETING IN GROWING CO-CREATION VALUE IN COMPANY (CASE STUDY ON KOMUNITAS TEMAN BICARA) 2024-03-06T01:12:04+00:00 Qurri Aini Zumroti Mutiah S.Sos., M.I.Kom <p>The development of the digital era is increasingly important for a company to have stakeholders who are <br>able to encourage sales of its products or services. One of them is by utilizing the community as a way to <br>conduct sales practices. But forming a community to play a role in the sales process also requires a strategy <br>in it. Komunitas Teman Bicara is an organically formed community that the company considers to be able <br>to grow value through the works made. This is also called value co-creation. This study aims to find out how <br>the role of community marketing grows co-creation value at PT. Sinergi Bicara Indonesia through the <br>Komunitas Teman Bicara. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using case study method. Data <br>collection techniques are by observation, interviews and documentation. This research resulted in the <br>Komunitas Teman Bicara formed emotional closeness formed by the company. Holding regular activities <br>made by the community with the company is one way to become a community that is considered to play a <br>role in fostering co-creation value.</p> 2024-03-06T01:12:03+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## POLA KOMUNIKASI ORANG TUA DALAM MENANGANI KEMAMPUAN BERBICARA PADA ANAK PENDERITA SPEECH DELAY 2024-03-13T08:03:15+00:00 I Putu Reza Adhi Wiranata Tsuroyya, S.S., M.A. <p>This research discusses family communication, giving gadgets to children with speech delay, and providing stimulation to children at home. This study involved informants who were parents of children with speech delays. The results of the research show that democratic communication patterns are effectively applied to children with speech delays, giving children the freedom to express opinions. Giving gadgets needs to be supervised and given a time limit, with a focus on applications that support children's development. Stimulation at home involves monitoring gadget use, light communication, object recognition, oral stimulation, and attention to the child's eating patterns. Apart from that, stimulation at the child development center is advanced with the aim of improving children's growth and development. Parents have an important role in consistently providing stimulation to accelerate the growth of children with speech delays. By applying appropriate stimulation, it is hoped that children can overcome speech delays and achieve optimal growth and development.</p> <p><strong>Keywords: Parents, children, speech delay, democratis communication patterns, and stimulation.</strong></p> 2024-03-13T08:03:14+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI DALAM PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT TUNAGRAHITA OLEH “KARANGPATIHAN BANGKIT” DI RUMAH HARAPAN DESA KARANGPATIHAN PONOROGO 2024-04-03T08:17:35+00:00 Landung Setia Wahyu Aji Gilang Gusti Aji, S.I.P., M.Si. <p>Idiot Village in Karangpatihan Village is a unique place in Indonesia. The name Kampung Idiot emerged because many of the villagers were mentally retarded. Village and regional governments are trying to eliminate this term by providing empowerment through communication strategies to improve the quality of society. Karangpatihan Village provides a real example of how communities can develop and adapt in unexpected ways. This research aims to describe the empowerment communication strategy used by Karangpatihan Village. The method used is descriptive qualitative. Data was obtained from observations and interviews. The research results showed that the communication strategy used was face to face communication by approaching people with disabilities and inviting them to communicate using sign language created by the disabled themselves.</p> 2024-04-03T08:17:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ADAPTATION OF FOREIGN STUDENTS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION AT UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SURABAYA 2024-04-03T08:23:12+00:00 Dian Rahmadani Listrikasari Anam Miftakhul Huda <p><em>Universitas Negeri Surabaya is affiliated with such scholarships for foreign students for studying in Indonesia, affording them the opportunity to pursue similar academic programs as their domestic counterparts. However, this situation may lead to culture shock for international students. Culture shock was first introduced by Oberg in 1960 to describe the profound and negative response of depression, frustration, and disorientation experienced by individuals living in a new or different cultural environment from their place of origin. Samovar (2015) also suggests that the phenomenon of culture shock parallels someone feeling exhausted after engaging in various activities in a new environment that consume time, mental effort, and energy beyond what was anticipated. This research endeavors to gather and analyze the adaptation process of foreign students at Universitas Negeri Surabaya, aiming to identify the challenges and &nbsp;factors that affect the adaptation process. The study employs interview methods to capture the experiences of foreign students at Universitas negeri Surabaya. Using Samovar et al.'s (2015) culture shock theory, the research seeks to delineate the stages of culture shock experienced by students, identifying obstacles, and exploring the various strategies they employ to address these challenges. With using a qualitative phenomenological approach, the study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of the cultural communication adaptation of foreign students.</em></p> 2024-04-03T08:23:12+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## NURSE THERAPEUTIC COMMUNICATION IN INCREASING MOTIVATION FOR ACTIVE AND HEALTHY LIFESTYLES IN THE ELDERLY PARTIAL CATEGORY GRIYA WREDA JAMBANGAN SURABAYA 2024-04-15T23:50:01+00:00 Niken Pramesthi Retno Dewanti Danang Tandyonomanu <p>Therapeutic Communication is an interpersonal relationship between the counselor and client. Through this relationship, the counselor and client gain joint learning experiences in order to improve the client's emotional experience. Therapeutic communication is a type of interpersonal communication that is useful for assisting in the process of stimulating and changing behavior carried out by nurses towards patients or clients. Therapeutic communication is usually carried out to change thought patterns which can ultimately influence the patient's activities. Based on the Sustainable Development Goals which have become a world agreement and were drafted by the UN in point number 3, it states "Good Health and Prosperity" where health must be equal for all people, including paying attention to the health of the elderly. Apart from the declining function of the body's organs which can affect the health of the elderly, the elderly usually start to experience senility or easily lose their memory of certain things, and in the elderly the motivation to live a healthy and active life has begun to decline. In this research, a qualitative phenomenological research approach will be used. Based on the results of research that has been carried out regarding communication patterns that are applied as therapeutic communication by nurses to elderly people in the partial Griya Wreda Jambangan category, three communication patterns were found according to the elderly carried out by nurses to the elderly. The first is the nurse's closeness to the elderly, including inviting interaction and communication with the elderly. The second is complaints from the elderly to the nurse. After the elderly get to know the nurse, the elderly express their complaints to the nurse. And the third is the nurse's actions regarding reports or complaints from the elderly. At this stage, therapeutic communication really needs to be applied to the elderly. Apart from medical measures, nurses need to motivate the elderly with therapeutic communication so that the elderly can recover optimally.</p> 2024-04-15T23:50:01+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##