GIZI UNESA <h3>Jurnal Gizi Unesa ini merupakan jurnal online yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi S1 Gizi UNESA. Jurnal yang terbit enam bulan sekali ini memuat hasil-hasil penelitian mahasiswa dan dosen di bidang gizi olahraga, gizi masyarakat, gizi klinik dan gizi layanan makanan, pengembangan produk pangan, epidemiologi gizi.</h3> <h3>The Gizi Unesa is an online journal published by the UNESA Nutrition Undergraduate Study Program. This journal, which is published every siz months, contains the research articles of students and lecturers in the fields of community nutrition, clinical nutrition, and foodservice nutrition.</h3> Universitas Negeri Surabaya en-US GIZI UNESA The The Effect of Balanced Nutrition Education Using Written Brainstorming Methods Accompanied by Online Games on Adolescent Girls at MTs Annajah Jakarta Lack of knowledge and attitudes about balanced nutrition in adolescent girls can lead to nutritional problems such as underweight, Chronic Energy Deficiency, anemia, obesity, and overnutrition. One of the attempts to improve knowledge and attitudes is through nutrition education with the written brainstorming method accompanied by online games. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of balanced nutrition education using written brainstorming methods accompanied by online games on knowledge and attitudes in adolescent girls. The research design is quasi-experimental with a two-group pretest-posttest design. Total sample of 85 people selected by random sampling. The instruments used were knowledge test sheet and attitude questionnaire. Statistical analysis used was an Independent T test. The results showed that using the written brainstorming method accompanied by online games had an effect on the knowledge and attitude of balanced nutrition in MTs Annajah Jakarta students with a significance value for knowledge (p=0.000) and the value for attitude (p=0.000). The suggestion given by researchers is the use of learning media as an illustrative aspect so that nutrition education activities are more effective and motivate students. Zahra Zahira ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 585 591 EVALUATION OF MINIMUM NUTRITION SERVICE STANDART AT NUTRITION INSTALLATION OF DR. HARJONO PONOROGOGENERAL HOSPITAL Pelayanan gizi rumah sakit bertujuan meningkatkan mutu layanan kesehatan untuk semua pasien dengan pelayanan makanan optimal sesuai standar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui capaian ketepatan waktu, ketepatan diet, dan sisa makanan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan RSUD Dr. Harjono Ponorogo sebagai subjek dan standar pelayanan minimal sebagai objek yang diberikan kepada 300 responden dengan kriteria menerima diet biasa dan berumur 17-65 tahun. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui lembar observasi atau formulir untuk mencatat ketepatan waktu distribusi, ketepatan diet, dan sisa makanan dengan menerapkan metode visual Comstock. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, rata-rata umur responden adalah lansia akhir (55-65 tahun) dengan jumlah 107 responden (35,7%). Karakteristik responden terdiri dari 156 laki-laki (52%) dan 144 perempuan (48%). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah capaian ketepatan waktu dan ketepatan diet mencapai 100%, namun capaian sisa makanan sebesar 25,12%, dan belum memenuhi standar minimal Kemenkes Nomor 129 Tahun 2008, yaitu ≤20%. Kata Kunci: Standar pelayanan minimal, Ketepatan waktu, Ketepatan diet, Sisa makanan Larastiti Windatari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 592 602 Pengaruh Jenis Protein Nabati dan Hewani Terhadap Tingkat Satiety Pada Wanita Dewasa Awal Sehat Obesity is a dangerous health problem that many people suffer from. Hence, increasing the satiety on certain foods is one way to inhibit appetite after eating and control energy intake. Protein has the highest satiety among other macronutrients. The aim of this research is to determine the differences level of hunger, fullness, desire to eat, prospective food consumption (PFC), and energy ad libitum meal in young women after being given pant-based protein and animal protein. This research is an experimental method with a cross-over design. This study used a random sampling technique with 28 female participants with normal weight, BMI 21.6 ± 1.5 and aged 19-21 years. Data was collected by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) questionnaire to collect data related to subjective indicators of satiety, which are hunger, fullness, desire to eat, and prospective food consumption (PFC). Objective indicators, macronutrient energy intake, are calculated through ad libitum meal. The results showed there are no significant differences in the indicators of hunger, fullness, desire to eat, and prospective food consumption (PFC). Energy intake of ad libitum meal in the plant-based protein group (337.9 ± 85.7) was lower than the animal protein group (367 ± 132.7) although there was no significant difference (p = 0.48). This study illustrates the acute effects on satiety level between plant-based protein and animal protein, and examines the postprandial effects. It is necessary to carry out research that examines the long-term effects of vegetable protein on weight management. ANNISA RAHMI NARESWARI ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 603 610 PAPARAN IKLAN DAN PENGETAHUAN GIZI TERHADAP POLA KONSUMSI MAKANAN JAJANAN DAN MINUMAN SISWA SMPN 1 RENGEL Pemilihan makanan oleh remaja merupakan keputusan pribadi yang dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai aspek, beberapa di antaranya adalah paparan iklan dan pengetahuan gizi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh paparan iklan televisi terhadap jumlah konsumsi makanan jajanan dan minuman, mengetahui pengaruh paparan iklan televisi terhadap frekuensi konsumsi makanan jajanan dan minuman, mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan gizi terhadap jumlah konsumsi makanan jajanan dan minuman, mengetahui pengaruh pengetahuan gizi terhadap frekuensi konsumsi makanan jajanan dan minuman siswa kelas 8 SMPN 1 Rengel, Kabupaten Tuban. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif menggunakan metode cross sectional, pengambilan sampel penelitian menggunakan teknik random sampling dengan responden 80 siswa. Data paparan iklan dan pengetahuan gizi diperoleh melalui pengisian kuesioner, sedangkan untuk data pola konsumsi melalui wawancara dengan pengisian formulir SQFFQ. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi Square untuk paparan iklan terhadap pola konsumsi dan Rank Spearman untuk pengetahuan gizi terhadap pola konsumsi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa paparan iklan tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah konsumsi makanan jajanan dan minuman (p = 0,823), paparan iklan berpengaruh terhadap frekuensi konsumsi makanan jajanan dan minuman (p = 0,026), pengetahuan gizi tidak berpengaruh terhadap jumlah konsumsi makanan jajanan dan minuman dengan korelasi negatif lemah (r = -0,043; p = 0,704), dan pengetahuan gizi berpengaruh terhadap frekuensi konsumsi makanan jajanan dan minuman, dengan korelasi negatif cukup (r = -0,254; p = 0,023). Sehingga dapat ditarik simpulan bahwa keterpaparan iklan dan pengetahuan gizi kurang dapat mempengaruhi jumlah konsumsi makanan jajanan dan minuman. Namun pada pengetahuan gizi bernilai negatif, yang dapat menunjukkan semakin baik pengetahuan gizi semakin sedikit atau rendah kekerapan frekuensi makanan jajanan dan minuman. Cinta Damayanti Veni Indrawati Choirul Anna Nur Afifah Rahayu Dewi Soeyono ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 611 618 Development Of Lift The Flap Book Clean And Healthy Living Behaviour (PHBS) Material As Learning Medium For Slow Learner Student At SDN Pakal 1 Surabaya Clean and Healthy Living Behavior (PHBS) implementation in elementary schools represents a concrete realization of national educational goals that should be universally applied, including to students with special needs such as slow learners. The lift the flap book serves as a tool to facilitate the learning process for slow learner students, specifically focusing on PHBS concepts within the school environment. This study aims to (1) explore the development process of the lift the flap book media containing PHBS material tailored for slow learner students at SDN Pakal 1 Surabaya, (2) assess the feasibility of the lift the flap book PHBS material for slow learner students at SDN Pakal 1 Surabaya, and (3) evaluate the effectiveness of the lift the flap book PHBS material for slow learner students at SDN Pakal 1 Surabaya. This research adopts a Research and Development approach utilizing the ADDIE model, encompassing Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation phases. The study sample comprised 10 slow learner students from SDN Pakal 1 Surabaya. Data collection involved Pre-Post Tests and attitude questionnaires, with analysis conducted using the Wilcoxon Test. Validation of the lift the flap book media from both content and media experts yielded an average score of 75%, indicating its feasibility. Moreover, statistical tests using the Wilcoxon Test revealed a significant positive impact of using the lift the flap book PHBS material on both the understanding and attitudes of slow learner students, with a significance level (Sig.) of 0.005 (<0.05). Shafa Almira ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 619 626 Macronutrients, Moisture And Ash Content Analysis In Gluten-Free Fettuccine Made From Sorghum Flour With Mung Bean Flour Substitution The increasing of public awareness about health and gluten-sensitivity has create a development and increasing consumption of gluten-free food. Sorghum is one of the gluten-free food sources that rich in fiber and antioxidant. Mung beans are rich in protein and other beneficial micronutrients. The aim of this study is to discover the macronutrient content, moisture content, and ash content of gluten-free fettuccine based on sorghum flour with mung bean flour substitution. This study is experimental research on the development of the gluten-free fettuccine. The formula of sorghum flour and mung bean flour used in this study is 60:40, with additional ingredients including eggs, xanthan gum, oil, and salt. Subsequently, laboratory test was conducted on the raw gluten-free fettuccine using the proximate analysis method. The results of the analysis showed that 50 grams of gluten-free fettuccine contained 61,60% carbohydrates, 11,81% protein, 5,64% fat, 19,62% moisture, and 1,02% ash content. The high moisture content is due to the fact that the study did not include the drying stage of the product. Additionally, there are advantages and disadvantages of the gluten-free fettuccine compared to SNI (Indonesian National Standard) quality standards and other commercial products. The advantage of this research product is that it uses gluten-free main ingredients. The disadvantages of the gluten-free fettuccine in this study are the relatively high ash content, which does not meet SNI quality standards. R. Rr. Athiyah Pavita Nunciata ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 627 632 Effect Effect of Nutrition Education with Animated Video on Knowledge and Attitude of Toddler Mothers in Bangkok Village, Glagah District, Lamongan Regency The growth and development of toddlers is greatly influenced by good nutritional intake. However, mothers' lack of knowledge and attitudes towards toddler nutrition is often the main obstacle in meeting children's nutritional needs. This research aims to determine the effect of nutrition education using animated video media on increasing the knowledge and attitudes of mothers of toddlers in Bangkok Village, Glagah District, Lamongan Regency. This research used a Quasi Experimental design with a pretest-posttest control group design. The research sample consisted of 40 mothers of toddlers who were divided into an experimental group and a control group. Nutrition education was provided using animated video media to the experimental group, while the control group received education through lectures. Data was collected through knowledge tests and attitude questionnaires before and after the intervention. Data analysis was carried out using the Mann Whitney test. The research results showed a significant increase in the knowledge and attitudes of mothers of toddlers in the experimental group after being given nutrition education with animated videos. The average value of knowledge increased by 12.2%, and attitude increased by 15.4%. Education using animated videos has proven to be more effective than the lecture method in increasing the knowledge and attitudes of mothers of toddlers regarding nutrition. Talita Arina Faradila ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 633 639 EFEKTIVITAS VIDEO ANIMASI DAN TEBAK GAMBAR TERHADAP PENGETAHUAN DAN SIKAP KONSUMSI BUAH DAN SAYURAN PADA ANAK TK Nutrition education through animated video media and picture guessing is expected to improve knowledge and attitudes to consumption of fruit and vegetables in preschool children. This research aims to find out the results of nutrition education with animated video media and guess images and to know the results comparison or effectiveness of nutritional education between animated videos and guess pictures to knowledge and attitudes in preschool children in Beringin district of Purworejo. The study is a quasy experimental study using the pre-test and post-test method with control group design. The subjects of the study consisted of 30 Beringin high school students who were divided into two groups: 15 students in an animated video media group and 15 students of a picture guess group. Nutrition education on an animated video group and picture guessing was carried out for 90 minutes in Beringin district of Purworejo. The statistical tests used are Paired Samples Test and N-Gain Score. The results of this study showed that nutrition education using animated video media and image guess influenced the pre-test averages with post-test knowledge, with p-value values (p=0.014) using animation video media, and (p =0.000) using image guess media. And the resulting pre-angket p-values with post -angket attitudes were (p=0.003) using video animation media and(p=0.000) using picture guess medium. In this study, the use of animated video media was ineffective, while guess media was less effective in improving knowledge and attitudes to fruit and vegetable consumption in preschool children. Suggestions for delivery of educational material, more attention is paid to the duration of learning. Isti Dwi Febriandini Dwi Febriandini ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 640 647 CIGARETTE CONSUMPTION CORRELATION TO FOOD INTAKE AND NUTRITIONAL STATUS ON UNESA’S FACULTY OF ENGINEERING STUDENTS Smoking is a chronic non-communicable disease that can cause plenty of sickness and reducing quality of life. Nicotine substance found in cigarettes can lead to decreased food intake in college students and affect the nutritional status of college students. This study plans to decide the correlation between cigarette consumption with food intake and nutritional status of college students at Unesa’s Faculty of Engineering. This research uses the cross sectional approach, with a total sample of 101 college students smokers taken using purposive sampling technique. The result of this research shows that the average smoking college student smokes 10,28 cigarettes per day, there is a relationship between cigarette consumption and energy intake, there is no relationship between cigarette consumption and carbohydrate intake, there is no relationship between cigarette consumption and protein intake, there is no relationship between cigarette consumption and fat intake, and there is no relationship between cigarette consumption and nutritional status of smoking college students at Unesa’s Faculty of Engineering. VICKY TANIA ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 648 657 TINGKAT KESUKAAN DAN NILAI GIZI ROLADE IKAN TENGGIRI (SCOMBEROMORUS SP) DENGAN PENAMBAHAN TEMPE DAN WORTEL SEBAGAI MAKANAN SELINGAN ANAK USIA SEKOLAH School children aged 7-12 years are one of the groups vulnerable to nutritional problems. An imbalance in the nutritional needs can lead to nutritional issues, whether it be undernutrition or overnutrition. Therefore, a snack product that is not only delicious but also healthy and nutritious is needed, one of which is roulade. The alternative ingredients used in this study are spanish mackerel with the addition of tempeh and carrots. The aim of this study is to determine the level of preference and nutritional value of the best roulade with the addition of tempeh and carrots as an alternative snack for school-age children. This research is an experimental study with the following formulas: P1 - 400 g Spanish Mackerel, 50 g Tempeh, 50 g Carrot; P2 - 350 g Spanish Mackerel, 100 g Tempeh, 50 g Carrot; P3 - 350 g Spanish Mackerel, 75 g Tempeh, 75 g Carrot. The results of the preference test showed that spanish mackerel roulade with the addition of tempeh and carrots affects the level of preference in terms of taste, color, aroma, and texture. The results of the nutritional content test of the best roulade product per 100 grams are: energy = 177.83 kcal, protein = 11.97 g, fat = 6.87 g, carbohydrates = 17.03 g. Irbah Shofiyah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-08 2024-08-08 4 2 658 655 The The Relationship between the Level of Nutritional Knowledge, Parenting Patterns and Sanitation with the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers Age 2-5 Years in Sukoharjo Village, Wilangan District, Nganjuk Regency Children under five who are stunted are too small for their age due to a persistent malnutrition-related failure to thrive. In Sukoharjo Village, Wilangan District, Nganjuk Regency, the percentage of instances of stunting was 23.3%. The purpose of this study is to ascertain the correlation between the occurrence of stunting in children ages 2 to 5 in Sukoharjo Village, Wilangan District, Nganjuk Regency, and the degree of nutritional awareness, parenting styles, and cleanliness. This study uses a cross-sectional design and is correlational in nature. Eighty moms of toddlers answered the survey. A nutritional knowledge exam was used to collect data on nutritional knowledge; a questionnaire was used to collect data on eating patterns; and a questionnaire was used to collect data on cleanliness. The TB/U index is used to determine if toddlers are stunted or in normal condition. The chi square test is used in the variable relationship analysis method. The study's findings indicate that: (1) nutritional knowledge and stunting incidence are significantly correlated; (2) parenting styles and stunting incidence are significantly correlated; and (3) sanitation and stunting incidence among toddlers in the village are significantly correlated. Wilangan District, Sukoharjo, Nganjuk Regency. Lutfianti Dwi Nur Khasanah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-14 2024-08-14 4 2 The THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENERGY INTAKE, MACRONUTRIENS, AND MATERNAL NUTRITIONAL KNOWLEDGE WITH THE NUTRITIONAL STATUS OF TODDLES AGED 2-5 YEARS AT MENUR PUBLIC HEALTH CENTRE IN SURABAYA The state of one's nutritional status is the outcome of striking a balance between the amount of nutrients obtained from meals and the amount required for bodily metabolism. Obesity is likely to persist into adulthood if it starts in toddlerhood. The incidence of obesity can be caused by various factors. The purpose of this study is to ascertain how energy intake, macronutrients, and maternal nutritional knowledge relate to nutritional status of toddlers at Menur Surabaya Health Center between the ages of two and five. A case-control design was employed in this investigation. The toddlers in the case group of this study were overweight and obese, while the control group consisted of toddlers who were not overweight and obese. There were fifty responders in each group, for a total sample size of 100 for this study. Data were gathered using a multiple-choice food memory test sheet for mothers and a food recall test administered three times in a 24-hour period. Nutritional status of children utilizing indexes of weight and height measurement. Chi-square test and odds ratio were employed in both bivariate data analysis. The findings indicated that while there was no correlation between maternal nutritional knowledge (p=0.205; OR=1,7) and the nutritional status of toddlers, there was a relationship between energy intake (p=0.000; OR=38,5), protein (p=0.000; OR=27,9), fat (p=0.000; OR=41,0), and carbohydrates (p=0.000; OR=29,3). In this situation, it is recommended that moms of young children monitor their toddlers' food intake by offering a variety of foods in portions that meet their needs. Nabila Firginia ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-14 2024-08-14 4 2 The The Relationship of Macronutrient Adequacy with Fat Percentage in Heavy Sports Classification Athletes at Sidoarjo State Sports High School Macronutrient adequacy is the main factor that can optimize the nutritional status of athletes. The longer the duration and harder the intensity of the exercise, the more energy is required. Athletes in heavy sports classifications require greater nutrient intake due to their high activity levels. If nutrient intake is insufficient, it can reduce the availability of energy stores in the body which will affect the body fat percentage of athletes. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between macronutrient adequacy and fat percentage in heavy sports classification athletes at Sidoarjo State Sports High School. This type of research is quantitative research with a cross-sectional research design. The samples in this study were 39 wrestling and judo athletes. Macronutrient adequacy data is obtained from the results of the Semi Food Frequency Questionnare (SQ-FFQ) which is compared with the athlete's daily intake requirements. While the percentage of fat obtained with BIA (Bioelectric Impedance Analysis) scales. Data were analyzed using the spearman rank correlation test. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between energy adequacy and fat percentage (p = 0.012), there is a relationship between carbohydrate adequacy and fat percentage (p = 0.020), there is a relationship between fat adequacy and fat percentage (p = 0.034), but there is no relationship between protein adequacy and fat percentage (p = 0.789) of athletes classified as heavy sports at Sidoarjo State Sports High School. Zahra Mostafafi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-08-14 2024-08-14 4 2