Manajemen Sanggar Tari Ngripto Raras Di Parengan Tuban

  • Yeni Anuba Arifa Prodi Pendidikan Sendratasik Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Keywords: Management, Art Studio, Dance Art, Ngripto Raras

Ngripto Raras Dance Studio in Parengan Tuban is an art institution that has successfully managed itself, supported by its members, families, and the surrounding community. Ngripto Raras is an art studio that organizes various art training sessions. Among the art training activities, the most regularly conducted and popular among children to teenagers is the dance art activity. This research aims to describe the form of management, the challenges faced, and the solutions implemented by Ngripto Raras Dance Studio. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was conducted through data reduction, data presentation, and verification/conclusion. The research results reveal that the management form of Ngripto Raras Dance Studio in Parengan Tuban includes management elements consisting of the 6 Ms: man, money, methods, materials, machine, and market. The dance studio's management is implemented using a management system that reflects a familial and communicative nature, with the distinctive practice of "rembuk bareng" (collective decision-making). The applied management functions include planning, organizing, implementing, and supervising. The studio has an established organization but experiences some task duplication. The designed programs are implemented gradually, and the activity schedule can change based on mutual agreements. Supervision is conducted through monthly evaluation meetings. Management challenges include a limited number of instructors, administrative issues, and frequently changing practice schedules. These challenges motivate the management and members of the dance studio to be more cohesive and enthusiastic in achieving their goals. The conclusion of this research informs that Ngripto Raras Dance Studio's management has successfully achieved its desired goals through familial practices, active communication, and addressing challenges with appropriate solutions.

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