Avatara 2024-09-05T15:14:59+00:00 wisnu Open Journal Systems <p><strong>E-Journal AVATARA terbit sebanyak tiga kali dalam satu tahun, dengan menyesuaikan jadwal Yudisium Universitas Negeri Surabaya. E-Jounal AVATARA diprioritaskan untuk mengunggah karya ilmiah Mahasiswa sebagai syarat mengikuti Yudisium.</strong></p><p><strong>Jurnal Online Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Sejarah - Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNESA</strong></p> PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN PROBLEM SOLVING SISWA PADA MATA PEMBELAJARAN SEJARAH KELAS XI SMA NEGERI 1 CERME 2024-07-29T08:41:55+00:00 Firda Ainul Rohma Sri Mastuti Purwaningsih <p>Based on field studies conducted at Neheri 1 Cerme High School, data was obtained that the majority of class XI students <br>had low problem solving abilities. Therefore, treatment is needed to improve students' problem solving abilities with <br>problem-based learning, namely the problem-based learning model. This research discusses whether there is an influence <br>and how much influence the application of the problem based learning model has on students' problem solving in class <br>XI history learning at SMAN 1 Cerme. This research aims to explain the influence and calculate the magnitude of the <br>influence of implementing the problem based learning model on problem solving abilities. The research approach used <br>was a quantitative one-shot case study experimental method which was analyzed using simple regression analysis and <br>obtained results of 6.787&gt; Ttable 1.701, meaning that there was a relationship between the two variables, so Ha was <br>accepted and H0 was rejected. Ha is accepted with a product moment correlation coefficient of 0.682 which is classified <br>as strong with a significance level of 0.000 &lt;0.05, so the relationship between the two variables is strong and the <br>significance is 73.9%.<br>Keywords : History Learning, Problem based learning model, problem solving</p> 2024-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## LITERASI DIGITAL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN SEJARAH DI SMK RADEN PAKU WRINGINANOM 2024-07-29T08:49:27+00:00 Alifianti Nur Rizky Riyadi Riyadi <p>Digital Literacy is a knowledge of skills in using technology which is increasingly developing rapidly in order <br>to hone critical and creative thinking skills in the era of globalization for all aspects of life, including the education <br>aspect. This research contains about Digital Literacy in History Learning at Raden Paku Wringinanom Gresik Vocational <br>School. This research aims to determine the level of Digital Literacy of History Teachers and also the students of Raden <br>Paku Wringinanom Vocational School and to find out the history learning strategies that exist at Raden Paku <br>Wringinanom Vocational School. <br>The research was carried out at Raden Paku Wringinanom Vocational School with the target subjects being 2 <br>History Teachers and also Vocational School Students at grade 10 and 11 from 5 Specialty fields with a total of 195 <br>students. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with 4 stages of data analysis, namely, first, data collection <br>by conducting field observations, interviews, distributing questionnaires and documentation. Second, data reduction uses <br>suspension to classify data from informants. Third, Presentation of data in tabulation form and presentation of the data <br>obtained. Finally, conclusions are drawn by linking research aspects and topics to the validation of data results. <br>The results of the research data show that with a teacher's high level of digital literacy, the choice of learning <br>strategies and approach models through getting used to using digital media technology or TPACK (Technological <br>Pedagogical Content Knowledge) in history learning is useful for increasing the digital literacy level of students at Raden <br>Paku Wringinanom Vocational School in history learning with the students' own digital literacy criteria. Most of them <br>are moderate or quite good and still need further development.<br>Keywords : Digital Literacy, History Learning, Technology, Education</p> 2024-07-29T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PROBLEM BASED LEARNING BERBASIS QUIZWHIZZER TERHADAP KEAKTIFAN SISWA PADA MATA PELAJARAN SEJARAH DI SMA NEGERI 7 SURABAYA 2024-08-19T04:02:31+00:00 Septiana Maliya Dewi Corry Liana <p>Pentingnya pembelajaran yang menekankan aktifitas siswa terletak pada pengembangan potensi mereka, sebab hal <br>ini mengalihkan tanggung jawab belajar kepada siswa dan mendorong mereka untuk menggali potensi yang dimiliki. Dalam <br>mewujudkan hal tersebut pentingnya guru menggunakan model pembelajaran yang sesuai. Penggunaan model Problem Based <br>Learning merupakan salah salah satu metode pembelajaran di mana murid secara aktif terlibat dalam proses belajar. Selain <br>itu, guru juga perlu menggunakan media interaktif menunjang keaktifan siswa pada pembelajaran. Salah satu media interaktif <br>yang cocok untuk siswa generasi z yaitu Quizwhizzer. Quizwhizzer merupakan website yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan <br>pengalaman pembelajaran dalam kelas melalui gamifikasi yang dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa. Penelitian ini <br>menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan menggunakan desain One-Shot Case Study. Penggunaan model Problem Based <br>Learning berbasis Quizwhizzer dapat meningkatkan keaktifan siswa pada mata pelajaran sejarah materi proklamasi di SMA <br>Negeri 7 Surabaya. Dilihat dari hasil perhitungan uji-t menggunakan One Sample T test mendapatlan nilai signifikansi (sig.2-<br>tailed) 0.000 ≤ 0.05, dengan demikian Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak. Penggunaan model Problem Based Learning berbasis <br>Quizwhizzer terhadap keaktifan memiliki pengaruh sebesar 69%. Sedangkan sisanya sebesar 31% dipengaruhi oleh variabel <br>lain yaitu psikologis dan sosial siswa pada proses pembelajaran.<br>Kata Kunci : problem based learning, quizwhizzer, keaktifan</p> 2024-08-15T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERAN KAMPUNG PLAMPITAN SURABAYA BAGI PARA TOKOH PERGERAKAN TAHUN 1917-1945 2024-08-19T04:07:34+00:00 Avilla Putri Patrisia Artono Artono <p>This research is important considering that the existence of the Plampitan village still holds many historical <br>stories and the role of the struggle figures who took part in the movement against colonialism, which was able to make <br>Plampitan an old village which became a living witness or residence of movement figures, silent witnesses of the fighters <br>in defending the city of Surabaya. , so that it has historical value that can be used as a new tourist destination if it is <br>known to the wider community. Based on the background above, the problem formulation is formulated as follows: (1) <br>What was the condition of Plampitan Village, Surabaya in 1917-1945?; (2) Who are the movement figures in Plampitan <br>Village, Surabaya?; (3) What was the role of Kampung Plampitan Surabaya for the leaders of the 1917-1945 movement? <br>This research uses a historical research method which goes through several stages including topic selection, heuristics, <br>verification, interpretation and historiography. The objectives are as follows: (1) To describe the condition of Plampitan <br>Village, Surabaya in 1917-1945; (2) To describe the movement figures in Plampitan Village, Surabaya; (3) To describe <br>the role of Kampung Plampitan Surabaya for the leaders of the Movement in 1917-1945. The results of this research <br>show that the existence of Kampung Plampitan as one of the old villages in Surabaya still holds many historical stories <br>related to its population who are active in history, related to movement figures who grew up and fought to represent <br>Plampitan Surabaya for Indonesian independence. As for Raden Tjokrosoedarmo with his movements in Sarekat Islam <br>and Djawa Dipa, then Dr. H. Roeslan Abdulgani who worked in Natipij and Young Indonesia, and Isbandiyah, a female <br>fighter who took part in fighting against colonialism in the battle of 10 November 1945 in the city of Surabaya through <br>the PPRI.<br>Keywords: The Role of Villages, Plampitan, Movement Figures.</p> 2024-08-16T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## WISATA RELIGI MASJID ASCHABUL KAHFI PERUT BUMI AL MAGHRIBI DI KABUPATEN TUBAN TAHUN 2002 – 2022 2024-09-05T15:11:30+00:00 Linda Atiqotul Maula Artono Artono <p>The Aschabul Kahfi Perut Bumi Al Maghribi Mosque is one of the mosques which is a religious tourist <br>attraction in Tuban Regency. This mosque has succeeded in attracting many visitors because of its unique <br>building which is located in a cave or underground. The aim of carrying out this research is to find out how <br>the Aschabul Kahfi Perut Bumi Al Maghribi Mosque tourism is managed in Tuban Regency and to find out <br>the impact of the Aschabul Kahfi Perut Bumi Al Maghribi Mosque tourism in Tuban Regency. This research <br>uses historical research methods consisting of topic selection, heuristics, verification or criticism of sources, <br>interpretation, and historiography. The religious tourism of the Aschabul Kahfi Belly of the Earth Al <br>Maghribi Mosque in Tuban Regency is well managed by the administrators and also participation from the <br>surrounding community. Thanks to good management, this religious tourism has a positive impact on society, <br>such as impacts in the economic, social, cultural, religious and educational fields.<br>Keywords: Religious Tourism, Mosque, Management</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH METODE EXAMPLE NON EXAMPLE DENGAN MEDIA GAMBAR GENERATIF AI TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR SISWA PADA PEMBELAJARAN SEJARAH KELAS XI SMKN 6 SURABAYA 2024-09-05T15:14:59+00:00 Agus Nur Rochman Sri Mastuti Purwaningsih <p>The integration of technology in education has become a crucial component in the Society 5.0 era. However, the <br>implementation of technology in teaching has not been extensively explored by educators, leading to monotonous and <br>less interactive learning experiences, which in turn diminishes students motivation to learn. This study explores the <br>potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in image creation as a recent technological advancement that can be utilized in <br>learning. By integrating AI-generated images with the Example non Example teaching method, this innovative and <br>engaging approach has the potential to enhance student learning motivation in history education. The study employs a <br>quantitative experimental method with a Pre-Experimental One-Shot Case Study design and purposive sampling <br>technique for sample selection. The research instruments consist of a questionnaire and an observation sheet. Data <br>analysis was conducted using a simple linear regression test to determine the effect of Variable X on Variable Y. The <br>results of the regression analysis produced the equation Y = 10.063 + 0.644X, with an R Square value of 0.764. The <br>two-tailed hypothesis test indicated that the Tvalue was in the acceptance region (10.484 &gt; 2.032) and positive, leading <br>to the rejection of H0 and acceptance of Ha. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that the use of teaching methods <br>involving AI-generated images positively influences students learning behavior, thereby motivating them to learn.<br>Keywords: Example non Example, Generative AI Images, Learning Motivation</p> 2024-09-04T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##