Avatara 2024-06-25T00:51:07+00:00 wisnu Open Journal Systems <p><strong>E-Journal AVATARA terbit sebanyak tiga kali dalam satu tahun, dengan menyesuaikan jadwal Yudisium Universitas Negeri Surabaya. E-Jounal AVATARA diprioritaskan untuk mengunggah karya ilmiah Mahasiswa sebagai syarat mengikuti Yudisium.</strong></p><p><strong>Jurnal Online Program Studi S-1 Pendidikan Sejarah - Fakultas Ilmu Sosial UNESA</strong></p> ANALISIS MUATAN KONTEN SURAT KABAR SIN PO (1920–1942) 2024-06-12T04:36:09+00:00 Adimas Muhammad Ainul Yaqiin Nasution Nasution <p>The Sin Po newspaper, which appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, operated from 1922 to 1942 and underwent <br>various significant changes and developments. Initially, Sin Po developed into a modern newspaper with a variety of <br>interesting sections. In the 1920s, Sin Po became the mouthpiece of the Chinese nationalist movement in the Dutch East <br>Indies, opposing discrimination and Dutch colonial policies. These media used caricatures and formed charities to support <br>the cause of China's ancestral lands. Advertising, especially for traditional medicine, is a major financial source. Sin Po <br>not only functions as an information medium but also as a tool for the struggle for identity and self-esteem for the Chinese <br>community in the Dutch East Indies. Its existence shows active involvement in the social and political dynamics of that <br>time, until it was finally closed by the Japanese government in 1942. This research focuses on the development of Sin <br>Po's content from 1923 to 1942, considering 1923 as the start of publishing the monthly edition and 1942 as the year it <br>closed.This research discusses (1) How the dynamics of the development of the Sin Po newspaper in 1920–1942, (2) How <br>the content of the Sin Po newspaper was transformed in 1920–1942. This research uses a historical research method which <br>consists of four stages, namely the heuristic process, namely collecting sources obtained from books related to the topic <br>to be discussed. Apart from primary sources, supporting secondary sources in the form of relevant books are also needed. <br>The second stage is source criticism, namely testing and verifying the sources obtained. The third stage is interpretation, <br>namely interpreting the data that has been obtained and has passed the verification process. The fourth stage is <br>historiography, namely writing the results of historical research chronologically and analytically according to the research <br>theme.<br>Keywords: Sin Po, Contents, News, Newspapers</p> 2024-06-04T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERKEMBANGAN PONDOK PESANTREN PUTRI AL-MAWADDAH PONOROGO TAHUN 1989-2008 2024-06-12T04:40:11+00:00 Shabrina Shabrina Artono Artono <p>Islamic boarding school is an education that has a boarding school system, where a student has to stay in a <br>boarding house or dormitory which has a Kiai in the boarding school as the central figure. Al-Mawaddah Girls Islamic <br>Boarding School is a modern boarding school which was founded on October 21 1989. Al-Mawaddah Islamic Boarding <br>School was built by Nyai. Hj. Soetichah Sahal, Ali Syaifullah Sahal and K.H Hasan Abdullah Sahal. The construction of <br>the cottage was originally initiated by K.H Ahmad Sahal before he died, he gave the idea and ideals to build a women's <br>cottage after the Gontor Modern Pondok. The Al-Mawaddah Girls Islamic Boarding School was established with the <br>reason of separating the boys' boarding school and the girls' boarding school so that the Gontor Modern Boarding School <br>would have a special boarding school for girls. The research aims to find out about the development of the Al-Mawaddah <br>Islamic Boarding School in the specified year, namely 1989-2008. The research aims to find out about the development <br>of the Al-Mawaddah Islamic Boarding School in the specified year, namely 1989-2008. The problems in this research <br>include: (1) What is the background to the establishment of the Al-Mawaddah Ponorogo Girls Islamic Boarding School; <br>(2) What is the history of the development of the Al-Mawaddah Ponorogo Girls' Islamic Boarding School in 1989-2008; <br>(3) What are the efforts of the Al-Mawaddah Ponorogo Girls Islamic Boarding School in maintaining its existence in <br>maintaining the quality of education. This research uses a historical research method which consists of four stages, <br>namely the heuristic process, namely collecting sources obtained from the Ponorogo Regency Library and Archives <br>Service, the Ponorogo Islamic Boarding School Archives in the form of notarial deeds of establishing Islamic boarding <br>schools, and others. The second stage is source criticism, namely testing and verifying the sources obtained. The third <br>stage is interpretation, namely interpreting the data that has been obtained and has passed the verification process. The <br>fourth stage is historiography, namely writing the results of historical research chronologically and analytically <br>according to the research theme.<br>Keywords: Development, Girl’s Islamic Boarding School, Al-Mawaddah, Ponorogo</p> 2024-06-04T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERKEMBANGAN KESENIAN SANDUR MANDURO DARI BUDAYA SEREMONIAL MENJADI BUDAYA MARKET DI KABUPATEN JOMBANG PADA TAHUN 2005-2022 2024-06-13T11:08:37+00:00 Atra Apriandini Wisnu Wisnu <p>Sandur Manduro art is a traditional art that origanates from the people who live in Manduro village, Kabuh <br>District, Jombang Regency. Presentation of this art are usually carried out at celebration events such as village <br>almsgiving, ruwatan, and votive events. Sandur Manduro art has a variety of uniqueness caused by the background of <br>the community. The uniqueness of Sandur Manduro art is make this art recognized as an intangible Cultural Heritage <br>(WBTB) by the central government. However, during its development, the author discovered a pattern of changes that <br>occurred in Sandur Manduro art, which was intially within the scope of ceremonial culture and then changed to market <br>culture. The problem formulation used in this research consist of: 1) Why has there been a change in Sandur Manduro <br>art, which was originally within the scope of market culture; 2) What is the process of development of Sandur Manduro <br>art from ceremonial culture to market culture. Then, the method used in this research is the historical research method <br>which consists of: 1) Heuristics; 2) Source critism; 3) Interpretation; and 4) Historigraphy. Based on the results of this <br>research, it can be conclude that the cause of the development in Sandur Manduro art is due to the WBTB status given <br>by the central government to Sandur Manduro art. Indirectly, cultural preservation efforts carried out by the regional <br>government have led to the Sandur Manduro art being transformed into a market culture which is characterized by the <br>absence of ceremonial culture element. Some of these changes can be seen both through physical and non-physical <br>aspects in art. Physical aspects that can provide an indication of change are the stage management for perfomances, <br>the use of masks, an the layout of the stage. Meanwhile, from a non-physical perspective, these changes can be seen <br>from changes in the spiritual meaning, duration of the performance, and the purpose of the Sandur Manduro art <br>performance.<br>Keywords : Sandur Manduro Arts, Market Culture, Cultural Development</p> 2024-06-04T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH EFIKASI DIRI TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR SEJARAH SISWA KELAS XI IPS 4 MAN 1 MOJOKERTO 2024-06-13T11:12:06+00:00 Safara Kaselina Ramadhani Agus Suprijono <p>This research has a problem formulation to determine whether there is an influence of self-efficacy on the <br>history learning outcomes of class XI IPS 4 MAN 1 Mojokerto students. Meanwhile, the aim of conducting the <br>research is: To determine the influence of self-efficacy on the history learning outcomes of class XI IPS 4 MAN 1 <br>Mojokerto students. This research uses a one shot case study type experimental method, with measurements using <br>a Likert scale. For self-efficacy with questionnaire instruments, as well as post tests and LKPD assignments for <br>history learning outcome variables. The results of this research show that there is a significant influence between <br>self-efficacy and student history learning outcomes. This can be seen from the results of the Product Moment <br>correlation test showing that the correlation coefficient value with calculated r = 0.378. So, variable X and variable <br>Y have a positive correlation which is included in the strong category. Then the simple linear regression equation <br>is Y=a+bX, namely Y= 12,858 + 0.635. Self-efficacy has a positive impact on students' academic performance in <br>history learning. Not only that, self-efficacy can directly influence the quality of thinking, utilize cognitive skills, <br>and increase students' persistence in finding solutions to existing problems. However, there are still students who <br>are less affected by the results of their history learning. This is because, in cognitive, affective and psychomotor <br>processes, each student has varying behaviors and actions, both in collecting, storing, utilizing their successes and <br>failures. Students with strong self-efficacy have good consistency and effectiveness in implementing the knowledge <br>and skills they have. However, the reality in the field shows that when students' learning activities encounter <br>obstacles, which not only come from within themselves but also from outside, which can hinder students' acquisition <br>of knowledge. <br>Keywords : Self-Efficacy, Learning Outcomes, History Learning</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERKEMBANGAN WISATA RELIGI MAKAM SUNAN POJOK DI KABUPATEN BLORA TAHUN 2001 -2020 2024-06-13T11:16:34+00:00 Cahya Ranusukma Anuraga Agus Trilaksana <p>Tourism Tourism is the activity of traveling with the aim of getting pleasure, seeking satisfaction, knowing <br>something, improving health, enjoying sport or rest, fulfilling duties and making a pilgrimage. This research will <br>discuss the development of religious tourism at the Sunan Corner tomb in Blora Regency as seen from its <br>development from 2001-2020. This development took the form of the construction of the core part of the Sunan <br>Corner tomb, namely the Gedong tomb and the establishment of the Sunan Corner foundation and the development of <br>tourists visiting the tomb as well as the socio-economic development of the community. The formulation of the <br>problem in this research is about 1. What is the background to the Sunan Pojok Tomb being used as a religious <br>tourism destination in Blora Regency 2. What is the development of Sunan Pojok Tomb tourism in 2001 - 2020 3. <br>What is the impact of the development of Sunan Pojok Tomb religious tourism in Blora Regency in 2001 - 2020 . <br>The research method used is the historical research method which consists of four steps, namely, heuristics, <br>criticism, interpretation and historiography. From this research, it can be seen that the activity of pilgrimage is still <br>very much embedded in the Blora people because it is descended from their ancestors. The results of this research <br>show that religious tourism at the Sunan Corner Tomb after the Gedong Tomb was built and the Sunan Corner<br>Foundation was established as the manager of the tomb in 2001 as well as easy access for visitors as well as tourism <br>promotion made the Sunan Corner Tomb known to the wider community on the national stage. and abroad. As well<br>as the influx of visitors due to the tomb revitalization process. And after it was inaugurated, there was a significant <br>increase in visitors in 2019.<br>Keywords: Religious Tourism, Sunan Pojok Tomb, Socio-Economic Impact</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROJECT BASED LEARNING TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN LITERASI SEJARAH SISWA KELAS XI IPS SMAN 4 SIDOARJO 2024-06-13T11:20:37+00:00 Ainun Jariyah Corry Liana <p>The Project Based Learning learning model is a unity as a form of integrating subjects with learning models <br>which in its implementation of learning activities are expected to stimulate historical literacy skills. The products <br>produced in the Project Based Learning Model learning activities are historical literacy products that can be used as a <br>benchmark for assessing historical literacy skills. The formulation of the problem in the study, namely "Does the <br>Project Based Learning model affect the ability of historical literacy of students in class XI IPS SMAN 4 Sidoarjo?" and <br>"How much influence does the project-based learning model have on the ability of historical literacy of students in class <br>XI IPS SMAN 4 Sidoarjo?". The design used in this research is Pre Experimental Design which is One Shot Case Study. <br>The sample in this study amounted to 60 students consisting of XI social studies class randomly selected. The final<br>product produced is scrapbook. The results of the study using simple linear regression test resulted in regression Y = <br>47.757 + 0.019X showing a positive regression coefficient value. This means that the project-based learning model has<br>an effect on students' historical literacy skills. besides that, from testing with simple linear regression tests, a <br>significance value of 0.000 &lt; the significance level of 0.05 was obtained. The coefficient of determination in the simple <br>linear regression test is 0.966 which means that the project-based learning model has a very strong effect on students' <br>historical literacy skills is 96.6%.<br>Keywords: Project Based Learning, Students' Literacy Skills</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERKEMBANGAN EKONOMI KAWASAN JEMBATAN MERAH MASA PEMERINTAHAN WALIKOTA MOESTADJAB TAHUN 1952-1956 2024-06-13T11:24:28+00:00 Achmad Akmal Maulana Septina Alrianingrum <p>This research is based on research according to the problem formulation in the form of Mayor Moestadjab's <br>policies in developing economic life in the Red Bridge area and what impact Mayor Moestadjab's policies have on the <br>economy in the Red Bridge area. The aim of this research is to describe the form of policy from the Mayor of <br>Moestadjab in developing the economic life of the people of the Red Bridge area and analyze the impact of the Mayor of <br>Moestadjab's policy. This research uses structural analysis methods to reveal the influence of Mayor Moestadjab in the <br>economic development of the Red Bridge area. The Mayor of Moestadjab is the subject of this research while the object <br>is the Red Bridge area covering Bongkaran Village, Nyamplungan Village, and South Krembangan Village for the <br>period 1952-1956. In preparing this research, it used historical methods starting from the heuristic, criticism, <br>interpretation and historiography stages. The preparation was carried out after achieving an understanding of the facts <br>from the process of analyzing data sources regarding the economy of the Red Bridge area in 1952-1956. The sources <br>used are primary and secondary sources in the form of archives of regional regulations, city decisions, contemporary <br>newspapers and several relevant books and articles. The results of the research show that there are several policies of <br>the Mayor of Moestadjab to develop economic life, decisions on tax collection as support, company business tax <br>collection, tax rate decisions, tax collection on permit rights, concession rights and graduation rights as well as various <br>more specific tax collection decisions. This policy has an impact on the economic life of the people of the Red Bridge<br>area. The emergence of new business fields in the Red Bridge area is a form of the impact of Mayor Moestadjab's <br>efforts. The establishment of these new businesses includes businesses producing syrup, pigora, confectionery, frying <br>pans, suitcases, selling liquor, restaurants, hoarding businesses, transportation services, and goldsmiths.<br>Keywords: Mayor Moestadjab, Red Bridge Area, Economic.</p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## REKA CIPTA DAN EKSISTENSI TARI BEDHAYA BEDHAH MADIUN PURO MANGKUNEGARAN 1939-1989 2024-06-18T14:34:09+00:00 Chrisnawanto Nugroho Wisnu Wisnu <p>As one of the cultural centers, Puro Mangkunegaran makes many contributions to cultural and artistic life in <br>Java. One of the artistic products that Puro Mangkunegaran has successfully produced is the Bedhaya Bedhah Madiun <br>dance repertoire. The development of this dance cannot be separated from the condition of Puro and all the dynamics of <br>Puro and national political conditions. The role of each authority in Puro Mangkunegaran, namely Kanjeng Gusti <br>Pangeran Adipati Aria Mangkunagara, is one of the keys to preserving and advancing culture. In the historical research <br>narrative on the development of the Bedhaya Bedhah Madiun dance repertoire, historical research methods are used to <br>reveal the chronology of events in the creation of this dance repertoire. The auxiliary sciences that help decipher this <br>historical narrative combine several auxiliary sciences such as the study of manuscript texts, cultural anthropology, and <br>deciphering the symbolism of markers in semiotics. simple. Apart from having a long history of dance development, this <br>dance repertoire also has values that can be integrated and implemented into national life in order to provide a <br>strengthening of the character of national insight.<br>Keywords : Dance, Bedhaya Bedhah Madiun’s Dance, KGPAA Mangkunagara, Historiograpy, culture</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERKEMBANGAN PENDIDIKAN SPIRITUAL PENCAK SILAT PERSAUDARAAN SETIA HATI TERATE DI SURABAYA TAHUN 1981-2000 2024-06-18T14:37:48+00:00 Ulil Anwar <p>This thesis examines the development of spiritual education in pencak silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate <br>in Surabaya in 1981-2000. The aim of this research is to explain the form of education, the development of <br>spiritual education and the impact of spiritual education in pencak silat Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate for <br>its members. The method used in this research is historical research methods including heuristics, criticism, <br>interpretation and historiography. The research results show that the form of education taught by the <br>Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate is in the form of physical and spiritual education. The main spiritual <br>education taught is in the form of preamble, panca dasar and Javanese philosophy. The impact of spiritual <br>education has positive value and depends on how to utilize and apply it in everyday life<br>Keywords: Persaudaraan Setia Hati Terate, spiritual education, the impact of spiritual educatio</p> 2024-06-04T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## SEJARAH SOSIAL ETNIS TIONGHOA DI KABUPATEN SAMPANG PASCA KERUSUHAN 1998 2024-06-18T14:43:07+00:00 Iklimatul Jannah Riyadi Riyadi <p>Indonesia, which consists of many ethnicities and ethnic groups, both immigrants and natives, will often come <br>into contact in everyday life, because humans, who are social creatures, will always need and interact with others, <br>whether from their own group or not. The same thing applies to the interactions that occur between ethnic immigrants in <br>Madura (Sampang), namely the Chinese ethnic group, and local ethnic groups, namely the Madurese ethnic group, which <br>is known to have been an interaction between the two for a long time. These two ethnic groups always interact very well, <br>which can be seen from the attitude shown by each ethnic group in responding to existing differences, such as in religious <br>issues for example. However, the riots in May 1998 involving ethnic Chinese as victims and natives as perpetrators <br>created a special trauma for this ethnic group towards native people. This research aims to find out how interactions <br>occurred and existed between ethnic Chinese and ethnic Madurese in the Sampang Madura district, both before the May <br>1998 riots and after the May 1998 riots involving the Chinese ethnic group. This research is descriptive qualitative <br>research that uses interviews and searches for related sources as a forum or way to obtain the historical sources needed. <br>The research results obtained are as follows: (1). The interaction process carried out between the Chinese ethnic group <br>and the Madurese ethnic group in Sampang. (2). Social capital is used by both to create good and sustainable interactions.<br>.<br>Keywords: Social interaction, Chinese ethnicity, Madurese ethnicity</p> 2024-06-18T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERAN PROEFSTATION OOST JAVA DALAM MENANGGULANGI WABAH SEREH DI JAWA TAHUN 1887-1921 2024-06-18T14:47:54+00:00 Muhammad Thoriqul Aziz Eko Satriya Hermawan <p>The island of Java has abundant natural resource potential seen from the agricultural and plantation sectors <br>which are one of the superior products and a common commodity in Javanese society. The expansion of plantation areas <br>not only brought profits to the colonial side and important changes to the lives of the colonized people, but also had to <br>face disease outbreaks in plants whose impacts could threaten plantations in Java. This outbreak is called Lemongrass <br>disease which attacks sugar cane plants. This research aims to explain the role of the Java Proefstation oost in <br>overcoming citronella disease using scientific heuristics in the form of literacy searches in the form of archives, journals <br>and books. The methods implemented by Proefstation oost Java will later produce many new varieties such as POJ 100, <br>EK 28, and POJ 2878 which are the most famous because of their characteristics.<br>Keywords : Proefstation oost Java, Sereh Disease, Sugar Cane Varieties</p> 2024-06-04T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH STRATEGI MOVIE LEARNING TERHADAP MOTIVASI BELAJAR SEJARAH KELAS X SMA IPIEMS SURABAYA 2024-06-25T00:45:34+00:00 Lailia Noor Ni’mah Septina Alrianingrum <p>The study aims to find out the impact of Movie Learning on the learning motivation of students of the X class of IPIEMS <br>Surabaya High School in the full semester of 2023/2024. This quantitative research uses a pre-experimental design of the type One <br>Shot Case Study with a sample of X-Free class 1 selected purposively by sampling. Data was collected through observations, lifts, <br>post-tests, and interviews. Data analysis is done with a simple linear regression test. The results of the study showed that the <br>implementation of learning with Movie Learning strategy reached 71% (category Good). The movie learning strategy had an <br>impact of 51.5% on student learning motivation. Post-test results showed a score of 74% (kategori Baik). A Sig value of 0.00 is <br>smaller than 0.05 and a Thitung value of 5.533 is larger than Table 2.045, indicating a significant relationship between the two <br>variables. A product moment correlation coefficient of 0.718 with a significance level of 0,00 indicates a strong relationship. The <br>R Square summary model of 0.515 means that the Movie Learning strategy variable affects student learning motivation by 51.5%,<br>with 48.5% being influenced by other variables not studied. Thus, the Movie Learning strategy can increase student learning <br>motivation by 51.5%.<br>Keywords : Movie Learning, Learn Motivation, History Education</p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## AKTIVITAS MASYARAKAT SEKITAR CANDI PENATARAN ABAD XV-XVI MASEHI 2024-06-25T00:51:07+00:00 Laila Mufida Artono Artono <p>During the Majapahit era, the kings competed to donate temples to the Penataran Temple so that it became the <br>largest temple in East Java today. The existence of the Penataran Temple is recorded in ancient texts as a religious center <br>and mandala kadewaguruan. The Negarakertagama write about Hayam Wuruk’s visit to Palah to perform puja to the <br>Bhatara i Palah and make a pilgrimage. Penataran Temple was built on sima land and developed from funds donated by <br>visitors who came from various countries. The busy and boisterous atmosphere was recorded in Sundanese travelers <br>noted. At the end of the Majapahit era, Penataran remained standing without help from the king who was almost <br>collapsing. Using historical research methods, artefactual and non-artefactual data and sources were obtained to <br>determine the conditions and activities around the upgrading temple during the late Majapahit period. The Bujangga <br>Manik manuscript implies a bustling atmosphere at the Penataran Temple with pilgrimage and educational activities at <br>the end of the 15th century AD. Penataran Temple slowly receded and was abandoned by its followers along with the <br>expansion of the Islamic kingdom of Demak in Blitar led by Sultan Trenggana. Until the end of the 16th century AD, the <br>Penataran temple collapsed following the Majapahit kingdom due to being buried by material from the eruption of Mount <br>Kelud.<br>Keyword: Penataran Temple, community activities, the end of Majapahit</p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##