

Pemahaman budaya siswa perlu digiatkan melalui berbagai media, salah satunya penggunaan bahan bacaan yang tepat. Berdasarkan hal tersebut maka dikembangkannya buku berjenjang cerita rakyat Jawa Timur untuk mengenalkan budaya lokal siswa SMP. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metode Research and Development (R&D) Borg dan Gall yang merupakan penelitian pengembangan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMP Labschool Unesa Lidah Wetan, Surabaya. Hasil analisis keterbacaan pada buku berjenjang cerita rakyat Jawa Timur masuk dalam kelas 7, 8 dan 9, sehingga tepat digunakan untuk siswa SMP. Sementara itu, hasil validasi isi dan bahasa menunjukkan persentase dari jenjang E 84 % kriteria sangat layak, jenjang F 80 % kriteria layak dan jenjang G 77 % kriteria layak dan hasil validasi desain menunjukkan bahwa buku berjenjang cerita rakyat Jawa Timur masuk dalam kriteria sangat layak dengan persentase 84 % untuk jenjang E, 87 % untuk jenjang F dan 87 % untuk jenjang G. Data hasil uji coba dihitung berdasarkan rata-rata skor siswa setiap jenjangnya untuk mengetahui keefektifan produk. Keefektifan produk buku berjenjang cerita rakyat Jawa Timur masuk dalam kualifikasi sangat baik, pada Jenjang E untuk kelas 7 dengan persentase 91 %, jenjang F untuk kelas 8 dengan persentase 92 % dan jenjang G untuk kelas 9 dengan persentase 92 %. Melalui buku berjenjang cerita rakyat Jawa Timur, siswa dapat lebih dekat dengan multikultural lokal, terutama daerah Surabaya dan Kediri, sehingga dapat menunjang pemahaman siswa terhadap kearifan lokal budaya Indonesia yang memiliki ciri khas yang beragam.

Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Buku, Budaya dan Kearifan lokal.


Students cultural understanding needs to be activated through various media, one of which is the use of appropriate reading material. Based on this, the development of a tiered book of folklore in East Java was introduced to introduce the local culture of middle school students. This research uses Borg and Gall Research and Development (R&D) approach which is a development research. This research was conducted at Labschool Middle School Unesa Lidah Wetan, Surabaya. The results of the readability analysis on the level books of East Java folklore are included in grades 7, 8 and 9, so that they are appropriate for junior high school students. Meanwhile, the results of content and language validation show the percentage of E level 84% the criteria are very feasible, the level of F 80% the criteria are feasible and the level of G 77% the criteria are feasible and the results of the design validation show that the level books of East Javanese folklore are included in the very feasible criteria with percentage of 84% for level E, 87% for level F and 87% for level G. The trial data is calculated based on the average score of students at each level to determine the effectiveness of the product. The effectiveness of the East Java folklore tiered book product qualifies very well, at the E Level for grade 7 with a percentage of 91%, the F level for grade 8 with a percentage of 92% and the G level for the grade 9 with a percentage of 92%. Through the tiered books of folklore in East Java, students can get closer to the local multiculturalism, especially the Surabaya and Kediri regions, so as to support students understanding of the local wisdom of Indonesian culture that has unique diverse characteristics.

Keywords: Development, Books, Culture and Local Wisdom.

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