
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menghasilkan produk metode pembelajaran role playing terbaru sebagai penyempurna metode role playing sebelumnya. Dalam penelitian juga akan dideskripsikan kualitas produk yang dikembangkan dengan menggunakan beberapa aspek penilaian, di antaranya kefektivan, kevalidan, dan kepraktisan. Peneliti menemukan bahwa meski termasuk ke dalam metode pembelajaran inovatif, metode role playing masih ditemui beberapa kelemahan, salah satunya adalah terdapat penambahan beban kewajiban terhadap beberapa siswa terpilih dalam kelas. Hal tersebut juga akan memunculkan perspektif "pilih kasih" dari siswa atas perlakuan guru yang membedakan kegiatan yang dilakukan siswa. Berangkat dari masalah tersebut peneliti merumuskan produk pengembangan metode role playing berupa penyempurnaan sintaks/langkah pembelajaran. Selain itu pengembangan juga dilakukan pada penambahan media pembelajaran, yaitu media Gelas Karakter. Yang akan menjadi subjek uji coba dalam penelitian dan pengembangan ini adalah Guru dan Siswa kelas VII D SMP Negeri 21 Surabaya. Penentuan subjek uji coba didasarkan pada materi yang diajarkan, yaitu teks Pantun. Dari hasil penelitian dan pengembangan yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh bahwa produk metode role playing yang dikembangkan tergolong layak untuk digunakan sebagai metode pembelajaran di sekolah, khususnya dalam materi teks Pantun. Kelayakan produk didasarkan pada hasil analisis data yang dilakukan, di antaranya kefektivan, kepraktisan, dan kevalidan produk. Keefektivan produk terhadap ketuntasan pembelajaran mengalami peningkatan lebih dari 30% dan berkategori Sangat Layak dari analisis angket siswa. Kevalidan produk baik dari angket validator, angket guru, maupun angket siswa memiliki nilai pada kategori Baik - Sangat Baik. Sedangkan kepraktisan produk bernilai B dengan klasifikasi Layak dan Dapat Digunakan dengan revisi serta memiliki angka presentase aktivitas guru sebesar 88%.

Kata Kunci: role playing, pengembangan, gelas karakter, pantun


The purpose of this study is to produce the latest role playing learning method products as a complement to previous role playing methods. The research will also describe the quality of products developed using several aspects of assessment, including effectiveness, validity, and practicality. Researchers found that although included in the innovative learning methods, the role playing method was still found to have several weaknesses, one of which was that there was an additional burden on the obligations of selected students in class. It will also bring up the perspective of "favoritism" of students on the teachers treatment that distinguishes the activities carried out by students. Departing from these problems the researchers formulated the product development of the role playing method in the form of perfecting the syntax / steps of learning. In addition, development is also carried out on the addition of learning media, namely Character Glass media. The teachers and students of class VII D of SMP Negeri 21 Surabaya will be the subject of trials in this research and development. The determination of the test subject is based on the material being taught, namely the Pantun text.From the results of research and development that have been carried out, it was found that the product of the role playing method developed was considered appropriate to be used as a learning method in schools, especially in the Pantun text material. Product viability is based on the results of data analysis conducted, including effectiveness, practicality, and validity of the product. The effectiveness of the product towards mastery learning has increased by more than 30% and is categorized as Very Eligible from the analysis of student questionnaires. The validity of the products both from the validator questionnaire, teacher questionnaire, and student questionnaire have values in the Good - Very Good category. While the practicality of a B-valued product with a classification that is Eligible and Can Be Used with revision and has a percentage of teacher activity is 88%.

Keywords: role playing, development. character glasses, pantun

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