Analisis Simile のよう (No You) dan みたい (Mitai) dalam Novel Ensemble Stars! Karya Akira: Kajian Stilistika

  • Rizki Adrian Putra Irayanto S1 Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Jepang UNESA
  • Didik Nurhadi S1 Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Jepang UNESA


This research is aimed to describe the structures, characteristics, and functions of no you and mitai as
simile markers found in Japanese literature works. This research has been conducted by using qualitive
descriptive method through stylistics point of view in order to determine the relations between tenor
(described matters) and vehicle (describing matters) which can be found in sentences that using no you and
mitai markers. The data resources which were used for this research is a Japanese novel named Ensemble
Stars! by Akira (2015). The results of this research shown that there are 68 data in total which consists of
39 data belong to no you category and 29 data belong to mitai category. Furthermore, based on the
classification about words that is used for vehicle, It has been known that there are 21 data consist of living
things, 13 data consist of natural phenomenons, 10 data consist of arts, and 9 data consist of the speakers
subconscious mind and imagination. It has been concluded that No you marker is more frequently used
compared to mitai. It is caused by the relation between tenor and vehicle which is marked by no you are
considered more concrete and familiar to the readers which have been proven by the major percentage of
the group of words that are relatively concrete and familiar to the readers that were being used.
Keywords: Stylistics, Simile Markers, Novel
成した『あんさんぶるスターズ!』という小説において 68 のデータが収集され、その内 39 の
データが「のよう」に所属し、29 のデータが「みたい」に所属された。更に、たとえるもの
(vehicle)に使われる言葉によって、生物グループが 21、自然現象グループが 13、芸術グループ
が 10、話し手のアイデアや想像グループが 9 つのデータに分類された。その vehicle に活用され
Keywords: 文体論, 直喩指標, 小説

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