Analisis Penggunaan Gaya bahasa Pada Lirik Lagu 虹う Dalam Album U (2021)

  • Rehandi Marli Musthofa S1 Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Jepang UNESA


Language is a sound symbol system that serves as a medium for expressing feelings and what is in the
Therefore, the existence of language is very important in everyday life and also in literary works. Song
lyrics can be classified as literary works. In song lyrics, the use of figure of speech is often found because
in addition to creating an aesthetic impression, it also makes it easier for listeners to understand the
message to be conveyed. The aims of this research are to describe the use of figure of speech in the lyrics
of the songs contained in the album called U by NiziU.
This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, with the data source is the album titled U by NiziU. From
this research, found 38 research data and 6 types of figure of speech from 12 song lyrics in the album. The
most common use of figure of speech is metaphorical figure of speech with 35 total data. The reason why
the use of metaphorical figure of speech is the most common is because the songs in the album have
characteristics that are aimed at teenagers who are falling in love or are experiencing discouragement,
therefore the songwriter intends to use metaphorical figure of speech to make it easier to convey a meaning
in a song. songs for teenagers.
Keywords: Song Lyrics, Figure of Speech.


の U というアルバムに含まれる曲の歌詞での比喩的表現の使用を説明することです。
この調査では、定性的な記述方法を使用しており、データソースは NiziU の U というタイトル
のアルバムの歌詞の形式になっています。この調査から、アルバム内の 12 曲の歌詞から 38 の
調査データと 6 種類の比喩が見つかりました。比喩的なスピーチの最も一般的な使用法は、合
計 35 のデータを持つ比喩的なスピーチの図です。比喩的なスピーチの使用が最も一般的である

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