
In a social live of a society, there are many injustices happen which can lead to create a social criticism. Poetry is a type of literature work which contains many social criticism. There are a lot of Enzensberger’s verses or rymes that give a comment or involve itself to into the middle-class society. In this study, The writer wants to find out the type of the social criticism which is presented in verses or rymes of the poetry by Hans Magnus Enzensberger.

The research question of this study is what types of social criticism which are contained in the poetry collection created by Hans Magnus Enzensberger?

The objective of this study is to describe the types of social criticism which are contained in the poetry collection created by Hans Magnus Enzensberger.

This study is designed based on qualitative descriptive study. This study applies a content analysis technique. Results of this study showed that of the 8 analyzed poem, found 4 types of social criticism, namely (1) social criticism in politic area, (2) social criticism in injustice area, (3) social criticism in knowledge area and (4) social criticism in religion area. Social criticism in politic area consists of (a) young German must be careful of the danger of fascism in Germany, (b) The investors have a lot of debt, thus damaging impact on the country and the middle class, (c) Small peoples are victims of the communist party behavior, (d) The criminals fighting over power and letting his generation like them. Then the social criticism in injustice area is the failure of government’s program to reduce poverty which makes the growing number of beggars and homeless drifter in the town corner. Social criticism of knowledge area consists of suggests that someone can create an alteration to his physical live and then do positive things, (b) German society is less able to control the emotions associated with the past.. Furthermore, the social criticism in religion area is God does not let the cruel rulers to rule forever in this world

Keyword: a social criticism, a poetry   

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