• Syafira Noer Setyani Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Agus Ridwan


This study aims to analyze loanwords and foreign words in Nivea ad text. Various kinds of loan words and foreign
words are the background of this research. Loan words and foreign words can attract consumers' interest because they
are considered more slang, interesting and tend to be more modern than using words in their original language. This
study focuses on the use of loanwords and foreign words. Related to this focus, this study analyzes the use of loanwords
and foreign words and also classifies forms of loanwords related to translation in NIVEA ad texts. There are 3 types of
loanwords related to the results of the translation, namely, the selection of words as borrowed words in the form of
translation results, the selection of words related to the translation results that are close to the words from the foreign
language itself, and the selection of words related to the translation results in the form of the creation of new words that
are related to the translation results. the meaning is the same or similar to the meaning of the word from the foreign
language itself. The data obtained in the form of 5 NIVEA ad texts that were downloaded through the official NIVEA
website and the German language website. The theory used is Ludwig's theory regarding the difference between
loanwords Lehnwörter and foreign words Fremdwörter and Sushsko regarding foreign words Fremdwörter and
loanwords Lehnwörter which is the adoption of foreign words. The results showed that from 5 NIVEA ad texts, 5
foreign words were found, 1 phrase from a foreign language, 1 loan word, and 1 loan phrase. Furthermore, the research
also found similarities in sentence patterns in French, Greek and Latin with German, namely Subject + Verb +

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