• Beby Defani Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Agus Ridwan Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study aims to analyze the stylistics or language styles contained in Pall Mall advertisements. Pall Mall
is a multinational company based in many countries, so it requires media to deliver to consumers, namely
advertisements. In the Pall Mall advertisement, there is a language style that has a unique meaning
relationship construction. The purpose of the construction of the meaning relation is of course to attract the
attention of consumers. More specifically, the style of language listed in the Pall Mall advertisement is the
construction of meaning relations related to opposition or commonly referred to as antonymy. The use of
antonymy in Pall Mall advertisements is unique. Even in one of the Pall Mall advertisements there is a
slogan that the opposition attracts our attention. Because Pall Mall ad text is an ellipsis sentence
construction, parts of other sentence elements such as subject and predicate are not included. Because the
original data is an ellipsis sentence, before analyzing the form of antonymy or opposition, the Pall Mall ad
text is returned to a complete sentence, namely by paraphrasing. This is because sentence construction is
related to the context and situation of communication, without paying attention to the context and situation
of speech with elliptical construction has the possibility to be multiple interpretations. The theory used is
the antonymy language style theory by Krifka and Ridwan as well as other supporting theories. This
research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive approach. The object to be studied is in the form of
six Pall Mall ad texts that were found and downloaded via a web page. The results of the study showed that
the six data analyzed were antonymy texts in the form of five gradual opposition data which had different
levels, including positive, comparative and superlative levels. These levels of comparison have different functions.                                                            At the positive or neutral stage, it shows two things have the same quality. The comparative stage
has a function to compare two objects or things, one of which has 'more' properties than the other. While
the superlative stage, the thing that is being spoken has the 'most' character among other things. In addition,
the last data is directional opposition or direktionale Opposition which is related to the temporal adverbs or
temporale Adverbien.

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