• Dinar Puti Aramitha Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Lutfi Saksono Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Film is a work of art and culture that can convey information and messages to its readers which are channeled from a literary work (Pratista 2007:40). According to Albertine Minderop (2016: 2), literary works in this modern era are always implied by psychological elements as a place to channel the author's psyche to the characters. Then literature as a psychological symptom in which there are elements and characteristics that have to do with psychology and mental disorders are described through the characteristics of the characters. The object of this research is a German-language film with the title Amelie Rennt or Mountain Miracle. The film which was released in 2017 in Germany is directed by Tobias Wiemann. This study aims to determisne, analyze and describe the complexity of the form of inferiority of the main character in the film "Amelie Rennt (Mountain Miracle)". This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with content analysis techniques. While the theory used in this research is Alfred Adler's individual psychology theory. Alfred Adler's theory is used to find the principle of the inferiority of Amelie's character in Amelie Rennt's film and the forms of compensation for inferiority that Amelie makes and the forms of efforts that Amelie makes to achieve her superiority. Based on the formulation of the problem, it can be concluded that Alfred Adler's four principles of inferiority in Amelie Rennt's film are: 1) The Principle of Low Self-esteem, 2) The Principle of False Goals. 3) The Principle of Struggle to be Superior. 4) The Principle of the Creative Self. Then there are also forms of compensation carried out by the main character Amelie, namely: 1) Stubbornness. 2) Rebellious attitude. 3) Disrespect. 4) Courage. And 5) Challenging Attitude.

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