• Ayyuma Raizha Khairun Nisa Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Wisma Kurniawati Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Media Markt is one of the giants retail selling electronics and technology with more than 600 stores spread across 15 countries. This study aims to determine the form and function of registers in Media Markt's Twitter social media, especially in the category of online cellphone buying and selling. This research uses adescriptive qualitative approach, the data of this research is in the form of written data of lingual units such as words and phrases that show the register. The data source is Media Markt's speech on Twitter in the form of tweets or written discourse in the status text written by Media Markt. Data collection techniques use observation techniques and note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman model. The results show that there are three forms of register, namely: 1) limited scoped register, 2) open scoped register, and 3) lingual register. In addition, this study also found five language functions related to the use of register in Media Markt social media. These functions include: 1) instrumental function, 2) regulatory function, 3) interaction function, 4) representational function, and 5) problem-solving function. Each language function has a different role in achieving communicative goals, influencing social interaction, and providing solutions to the problems faced.

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