• Shelly Rahmatika Widyani Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Ajeng Dianing Kartika Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This research aims to describe persona deixis, place deixis, and time deixis in Ludwig Bechstein's collection of fairy tales. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with the collection technique of reading and writing. The data sources are Das blaue Flämmchen, Die schlimme Nachtwache, and Das Hellerlein from Ludwig Bechstein's collection of fairy tales. The data in this study are words or phrases that refer to persona, place, and time in the three fairy tales. The data is analyzed by classifying the data based on the types of deixis according to George Yule's theory (2014) and describing the meaning of the deixis. Based on the data analysis in three fairy tales of Ludwig Bechstein, person deixis is found in the form of first person deixis, second person deixis, and third person deixis. The first person deixis is ich and wir, the second person deixis is du and the third person deixis is es, sie, and es. The spatial deixis found in this research are voran, hinunter, dort, hier, hinauf, aufwärts, da, and darunter. Meanwhile, temporal deixis in the form of data nach der ersten Nacht, am zweiten Tage, am dritten Tage, die ganze Nacht, als gegen Morgen, nun, einige Nächte, Abends, jetzt, am Morgen, um Mitternacht, Tag, vor wenigen Wochen, einen und den andern Tag, am zweiten Tage, am dritten Tage, vor vier Wochen, am Tage, von nun, and dann.

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