• Vevansia Mariana Daina Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Agus Ridwan Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study will discuss the davon language units. Davon language units can have two functions in a sentence, namely as adverbs and as conjunctions. The data for this study are in the form of sentences containing davon units found in the ZEIT newspaper. The theory which is an important factor in this study is Hennmmeshheimer's theory of grammaticalization. The main focus of this study is the field of morphosyntax, both in paradigmatic and syntagmatic terms. As for paradigmatically through the process of paradigmatization and obligatoryization then syntagmatically through the process of coalescence and topology. This study of Davon language units as adverbs and conjunctions is a descriptive qualitative study using note-taking techniques. Based on the paradigmatic and syntagmatic theory of grammaticalization, it can be seen that Davon language units as adverbs are language units that have the old structure because they are not limited to other language units. Then the Davon language unit as an advebia in the field of morphosyntax through the collescens process does not depend on other language units and in the topological process has a free word order pattern, which can adjust the position of Vorfeld, Mittelfeld and Nachfeld. Whereas Davon language units as conjunctions in the same field through the paradigmatic and syntagmatic processes are language units with a new structure because they have a relatively limited relationship with other language units through the paradigmatic process. Then the Davon language unit as a conjunction in the coalescence process is formally dependent on other language units as well as on the topological process having a limited word order pattern, which can only occupy Mittelfeld positions.

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