IDENTITAET 2024-06-28T10:19:45+00:00 Raden Roro Dyah Woroharsi Parnaningroem Open Journal Systems <p>Jurnal Online "Identitaet" diterbitkan oleh Program Studi S-1 Sastra Jerman Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni Universitas Negeri Surabaya sebagai media untuk menampung karya ilmiah dalam bidang bahasa dan sastra Jerman yang dihasilkan oleh sivitas akademika. Jurnal Online "Identitaet" juga dimaksudkan sebagai sarana pertukaran informasi dan sumber rujukan yang bisa dimanfaatkan untuk pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan oleh seluruh bagian sivitas akademika dan juga masyarakat umum. Jurnal Online "Identitaet" terbit tiga kali dalam setahun.</p><p>*Untuk keperluan pengetikan nama jurnal ini bisa ditulis "Identitaet".</p> Karakterisasi Tokoh Utama Film Das Privileg karya Felix Fuchssteiner dan Katharina Schöne 2024-06-14T06:16:59+00:00 Maria Natalia Raden Roro Dyah Woroharsi Parnaningroem <p>This research aims to describe the characterization of the main character in the horror genre film "Das Privileg" using the characterization methods of Pickering and Hoeper. A qualitative descriptive method is applied, focusing on the analysis of characterization by exploring the audiovisual data of the film, including the behavior, environment, attitudes, conflicts, and interactions of the main character. The research results show that the characterization of the main character predominantly uses indirect characterization compared to direct characterization. Finn's characterization includes visual appearance and interactions of the main character. The main character Finn successfully brings the horror element as a victim, evoking feelings of fear, curiosity, guilt, disgust, and surprise. The use of locations and atmospheres such as clinics, hospitals, and riverbanks also contributes to depicting the essential tension in a horror story.</p> 2024-06-14T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Perilaku Sadisme Tokoh dalam Naskah Film “Das Weisse Band” 2024-06-24T06:14:39+00:00 Vidha Atik Adilaah Lutfi Saksono <p>Film is one type of literary work in the form of audiovisual media. Michael Haneke is a director who directed the main film, Das Weiße Band. The scenes in the script of this film tell several events related to torture to murder, these scenes are called sadistic behavior. This study aims to describe the types and elements of the causes of sadism in the script of Das Weiße Band using Erich Fromm's psychoanalysis theory. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method to find the object to be studied. Then use read and record techniques to collect research data. Fromm suggests (2000: 404-410) that there are 3 types of sadism, namely: sexual sadism, non-sexual sadism, and mental sadism. Researchers found 2 types of sadism behavior in the film script, namely non-sexual sadism and mental sadism. Then the factors that cause sadism behavior are Extreme Environmental Factors and Community Education Patterns.</p> 2024-06-24T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Tropen dalam Kumpulan Puisi karya Johann Wolfgang von Goethe kategori Liebesgedichte 2024-06-28T10:19:45+00:00 Azaria Nathania Ayuningtyas Agus Ridwan <p>The selection of this research topic is based on the creation of the Sturm und Drang era which is related to the representation of nature and connects it with human emotions. Related to this problem, this research has a purpose, namely to describe the characteristics of personification and its types in Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's poetry. Furthermore, this research also uses the theories of Heinsus Theodore and Ivo Braak. Related to the data used in this research are the texts obtained in the poems by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The use of Heinsius' theory of personification in this data shows that there are characteristics of giving life, giving action, giving ability, and giving nature. In addition, there are types of personification such as <em>einfache belebung eines Dinges</em> oder eines Abstraktums (simple animation of an inanimate object or an abstract), anschauliche personifikation (real personification) and Erstarrung zur Formel (denser meaning).</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##