Pengaruh Investasi, Tenaga Kerja, dan Produksi Perikanan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Pulau Jawa
The success of economic growth is inseparable from influencing indicators, including
investment, labor, and fishery production. This indicator is needed in order to boost the
value of stable economic growth in the framework of long-term sustainable economic
development. The point of research is to prove the effect of investment, labor, and fishery
production variables on the economic growth of the island of Java in the 2015-2019
period partially. The data source used is secondary data using saturated sampling
technique. The type of data is panel data consisting of 6 provinces and a time span of 5
years. The research approach used is a descriptive quantitative approach that is analyzed
with linear regression analysis of panel data with the help of the program Eviews 10.
This research shows that partially investment has a significant positive effect on
economic growth, labor has a significant negative effect on economic growth. Fisheries
production has a significant positive effect on economic growth.
Keywords: Economic Growth, Investment, Labor, Fishery Production.