Pola Kausalitas Nilai Tukar Rupiah Dan Ekspor Kopi Indonesia Ke Amerika Serikat


  • Dinda Retno Kinasih Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Ladi Wajuba Perdini Fisabilillah Universitas Negeri Surabaya




Coffee, Exports, Exchange Rate, Granger Causality


One of the agricultural product that play a part in the business is coffee. The purpose of
this research is to find out the causal relationship between the rupiah exchange rate and
the export of Indonesian coffee to the United States on 2000-2021. The quantitative method
is the method used by the researchers in this research. The analytical technique used is the
Granger causality test. In the results of this research, one-way causality was obtained on
the coffee export variable affecting the rupiah exchange rate but an inverse causality was
not found in the rupiah exchange rate variable on coffee exports.
Keywords: Coffee, Exports, Exchange Rate, Granger Causality


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How to Cite

Kinasih, D. R., & Fisabilillah, L. W. P. (2023). Pola Kausalitas Nilai Tukar Rupiah Dan Ekspor Kopi Indonesia Ke Amerika Serikat. Independent: Journal of Economics, 2(2), 136–142. https://doi.org/10.26740/independent.v2i2.50945
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