Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Pembelajaran Kepala Sekolah dan Kepuasan Kerja Guru terhadap Komunitas Pembelajaran Profesional pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri di Sangkapura Gresik
This study aims to investigate the impact of principal instructional leadership and teacher job satisfaction on the practices of professional learning communities in public elementary schools in Sangkapura. A quantitative method was used, applying a cluster random sampling technique by distributing a questionnaire to 80 teachers as samples. The data analysis reveals that: (1) The levels of principal instructional leadership, job satisfaction, and professional learning communities are in the moderate category. (2) Principal instructional leadership has a positive and significant impact on professional learning communities by 34,91%. (3) Teacher job satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on professional learning communities by 11,93%. (4) The combination of principal instructional leadership and teacher job satisfaction collectively has a positive and significant impact of 46,8% on professional learning communities. The conclusion of this study emphasizes that principal instructional leadership and teacher job satisfaction play crucial roles in influencing the practices of professional learning communities in public elementary schools in Sangkapura. This research contributes to a better understanding of the transferability of instructional leadership and job satisfaction theories and provides deeper insights into strategies for enhancing professional learning community practices in public elementary schools in Indonesia and similar contexts. The implications of this study and future research directions are presented.