Peran Moderasi Manajemen Konflik Kolaborasi pada Hubungan Konflik Tugas dan Konflik Hubungan



Human interactions often lead to conflict or inconsistency. This discrepancy caused the differences in beliefs, opinions, and knowledge of each other. These differences lead to conflict. This research aimed to describe, to examine and to analyze whether task conflict has effect to relathionship conflict reciprocally with collaborative conflict management as moderator variabel. The sampling technique of this research is saturated sampling. 35 employees at the Human Resources Department of PT. Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk. as sample. Results of this research proves that task conflict has positive and significant impact on relationship conflict. Relationship conflict also have a positive and significant impact on the task conflict. Collaborative conflict management does not moderate the relationship of task conflict to relationship conflict and relationship of relationship conflict to task conflict.
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