Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Price Earning Ratio
Stock investment in capital market investor should consider the risk and return together to get results as expected investment and avoid excessive risk. Therefore, the analysis necessary to determine the feasibility of stock. Investors can use the stock valuation price earnings ratio.This study aims to analyze the factorthat affect the price earnings ratio. Samples obtained by using purposive sampling method wuth a population of listed companies in LQ 45. Price earning ratio as the dependent variable while dividend payout ratio, earning growth, return on equity, debt to equity ratio, and firm size as the independent variables. Analysis technique used is multiple linear regression.The results of this study indicate that the variable dividend payout ratio and return on equiyaffect on price earning ratio while earning growth, debt to equity ratio, firm size not affect the price earning ratio.Keywords: dividend payout ratio, earning growth, return on equity, firm size, price earning ratio.
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