Pengaruh Rasa Harga Diri dan Kepercayaan Sosial terhadap Sikap Berbagi Pengetahuan yang Dimediasi oleh Norma Subjektif



The aim of this study was made to test and analyze whether sense of self-worth and social trust affects attitude toward knowledge sharing which were mediated by subjective norms. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to the object of research is an employee of PT PJB head office as much as 115 person. Data analysis technique is used the technique of quantitative analysis by the method of structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that sense of self-worth significantly influence the subjective norms and attitude toward knowledge sharing. Social trust significantly influence the subjective norms and attitude toward knowledge sharing. However, subjective norms was not proven as a mediating variable because no significant effect on the attitude toward knowledge sharing.
Keywords: sense of self-worth, social trust, subjective norms, attitude toward knowledge sharing.
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