Pengaruh Gaya Hidup, Fitur, dan Harga terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Blackberry Curve 9300



The rapid growth of telepon pintar market in recent years makes the competition stringent. One is the BlackBerry. With the advantages offered which its competitors does not have it makes BlackBerry still prevail in Indonesia. This is supported by BlackBerry Curve 9300 which is issued to expand the market. This study used to analyzed and discuss the influence of lifestyle, features and price of the purchase decision BlackBerry Curve 9300. This research focused on young people conducted in WTC Surabaya by the number of 83 respondents. The data analyzed using multiple linear regression. Result show that the 4 hypothesis is proven. The coefficient of determination is 0,726 which means the influence of lifestyle, features, and price of the purchase decision is 72,6%, while the remaining 27,4% influenced by other variabels outside the study. Then the other hypothesis received entirely in this study.
Keywords: lifestyle, feature, price, purchase decision, smartphone.
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