Pengaruh Penggunaan Celebrity Endorser Irfan Bachdim dan Event Sponsorship terhadap Citra Merek Minuman Isotonik Pocari Sweat



The competition in health drink industry that more competitive demanding the producer to be more creative to make innovation product or to be more creative in determining appropriate marketing communication strategy to increase the awareness of product or brand, and strengthened the brand image. This study used to analyzed and discuss the influence of Irfan Bachdim using as celebrity endorser and event sponsorship on brand image of pocari sweat isotonic drink. This research focused on young consumers as visitors or athletes in Koni Jatim Swimmingpool by the number of 130 respondents. The data analyzed using multiple linear regression. Result show that the two hypothesis is proven. The coefficient of determination is 0,530 which means the influence of celebrity endorser and event sponsorship of the brand image is 53%, while the remaining 47% influenced by other variabels outside the study. Then the other hypothesis received entirely in this study.
Keywords: celebrity endorser, event sponsorship, brand image
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