Pengaruh Komunikasi Organisasi dan Komitmen Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi pada Divisi Umum & SDM dan Akuntansi & Keuangan PT. PG Candi Baru Sidoarjo)




PT.PG CandiBarumerupakangabungandari PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia yang bergerak di bidang agro industri. Perusahaan inimempunyaivisiuntukmenjadiperusahaanterbaikdalambidang agro industri, siapmenghadapitantangandanungguldalamkompetisi global, makadiperlukankeahliandankemampuan. Dimanadalamhalinidiperlukanadanyakomunikasiorganisasidankomitmenorganisasi yang ada di PT.PG CandiBaru Sidoarjo.Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmengujidanmenganalisispengaruhkomunikasiorganisasidankomitmenorganisasiterhadapkinerjakaryawan. SampeldaripenelitianiniadalahkaryawandivisiUmum& SDM danAkuntansi&Keuangan PT.PG CandiBaruSidoarjoyang berjumlah 46 orang. Teknikanalisis data yang digunakanadalahanalisisregresi linier bergandadenganbantuan software SPSS 18.Hasilpenelitianmenjelaskanbahwakomunikasiorganisasi berpengaruhpositifsignifikanterhadapkinerjakaryawan. Komitmenorganisasiberpengaruhpositifsignifikanterhadapkinerjakaryawan. Komunikasiorganisasidankomitmenorganisasiberpengaruhsecarasimultanterhadapkinerjakaryawan.

Kata kunci :KomunikasiOrganisasi, KomitmenOrganisasi, KinerjaKaryawan.

 PT.PG Candi Baru is a combination of PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia engaged in the agro industry. The company has a vision to become athe best company of agro-industry, ready to face challenges and that excelent in global competition, in this case required skill and capabilities. Where in this case required the organizational communication and organizational commitment in PT.PG Candi Baru Sidoarjo.This purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of organizational communication and organizational commitment on the employee performance. Samples from this study were all employees of the division Human Resources & General and Accounting & Finance PT.PG Candi Baru Sidoarjo which totaled 46 people. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS 18 software.Result of the study explained that the influence organizational communication on employee performance is significant positive.The influence of organizational commitment on the employee performance is significant positive. Organizational communication and organizational commitment have a simultaneous influence on employee performance.


Keywords: Organizational Communication, Organizational Commitment, Employee


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