Pengaruh Service Recovery terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan dengan Kepuasan sebagai Variabel Mediasi (Studi pada McDonalds Mayjen Sungkono Surabaya)




This study aims to analyze and discuss the influence of service recovery on customer loyalty with satisfaction as a variable mediation. Use non-probability sampling to 210 respondent is tecnique sample. Study population is the customer who ever used the service delivery order and never experienced service failure as the product presented is not feasible consumption, time delay between, the product that comes not in accordance with the customer order, the product the customer wants is not available (empty stock) in the last one year. This research was conducted at McDonalds Mayjend Sungkono Surabaya. Scaled measure research use likrt scale. The measuring instrument used is a questionnaire. Analyzer uses path analysis with AMOS 24 program. The result of research shows that the relationship of each variable has positive and significant influence so that the mediation is proved partial. Service recovery has possitiv efect on custommer satisfaction, customer satisfaction has possitive efect on customer loyalty, and service recovery has a possitive efect on custommer loyalty.

Keywords: service recovery, customer loyalty, satisfaction
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