Journal of Sport Moovera (JSM) 2023-11-28T10:44:35+00:00 Yanuar Alfan Triardhana Open Journal Systems Pendampingan Program Latihan dan Pengaturan Gizi Atlet Klub Bolavoli Aksi Muda Kabupaten Magetan 2023-07-26T01:56:51+00:00 Yuni Fitriyah Ningsih Andri Wahyu Utomo Himawan Fajar Arafat <p><em>This community service activity is in partnership with the Magetan Regency Youth Action volleyball club which is located at the home base of the Youth Action volleyball field in Sobontoro Village, Karas District, Magetan Regency, which is 23.0 km from Madiun PGRI University. The youth action volleyball club has never been provided with assistance with a volleyball training program and regulation of the athlete's nutritional role, this is due to a lack of superior human resources in coaching volleyball clubs which have many participants in training. Therefore, the service program that is carried out aims to increase understanding, knowledge related to training programs, knowledge of athletes' nutrition arrangements both daily, training or competition. The method applied is using the pretest and posttest, the model before being given the material, practice and after being given the material, practice with advanced techniques evaluating the results of the participants' understanding of the service to find out the level of understanding and knowledge about training programs and athletes' nutrition arrangements. The results in the implementation of mentoring seem to have increased from the initial pretest and posttest participants of 62, namely all members including administrators, coaches and volleyball athletes experienced an increase in knowledge, understanding of the pretest and posttest with an average score of 31.50 while the number of negative rank (difference ) is 0. This value indicates that there is no decrease (reduction) from the pretest and posttest scores. Then the ties value shows a value of 0 which can be interpreted that there are no subjects who have the same value from the pretest and posttest scores</em></p> 2023-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pelatihan Petanque Pada Guru-Guru Olahraga di jawa Timur 2023-07-26T01:56:52+00:00 Kolektus Oky Ristanto <p>Sport has many benefits for the body both physically and spiritually. This impact can increase the life expectancy of the Indonesian people. When doing sports, the human body will carry out a natural detoxification process so that toxins in the body, bad fats, cholesterol, uric acid, blood sugar and others will affect the body. When the body is fresh and physically strong, the level of productivity produced is also higher. Indonesian people are superior in various fields.</p> <p>The many choices of sports branches allow people to choose varied and make it fun. The form of the sport is Petanque, this sport is related to throwing boules (balls) where a player must be in a circle to throw the ball that has been provided. Petanque games are easy for all ages, both children and the elderly. The ease of this game will encourage the motivation of the Indonesian people to exercise actively and regularly.</p> <p>Petanque sport only entered Indonesia around the 2000s. This sport is different from other sports because it demands body movement and accuracy in throwing. This game technique is very simple but relies on extraordinary balance for precision and on target when throwing. It is very necessary to introduce petanque games at the provincial level of East Java, especially to the school environment, this sport will quickly develop and be easily recognized by the community and sports teachers at both elementary, middle and high school levels if the introduction is done properly. This socialization will be targeted to PJOK teachers at MGMP in the East Java Region.</p> 2023-07-26T01:09:17+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Increased Understanding of The First Handling of Sports Injuries in PJOK Teachers in Lakarsantri District, Surabaya 2023-07-26T01:56:52+00:00 Resti Nurpratiwi Yanuar Alfan Triardhana Ariesia Dewi Ciptorini Bhekti Lestari Andri Suyoko Muhammad Asrul Sidik <p>Community service activities about the importance of understanding the first handling of sports injuries to PJOK Teachers in Lakarsantri District, Surabaya have the aim of increasing the understanding of PJOK teachers in providing appropriate and fast first treatment of sports injuries to be able to speed up the recovery process. The method applied uses offline socialization regarding the first treatment of sports injuries with power point aids and learning modules. The community service team uses projectors, laptops, mics, socialization materials and documentation tools as tools and materials. The first socialization material explains the first handling of sports injuries. In this first material, it explains about sports injuries in soft tissues and methods of handling them using the PRICE method. On the second material about cramps. The second material explains about cramps, their causes and treatment. The output of this activity is the ability of PJOK teachers to provide the first treatment of sports injuries to students so that they can speed up the recovery period.</p> 2023-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Introducing Traditional Games in Elementary School Physical Education Learning 2023-07-26T01:56:52+00:00 Haryo Mukti Widodo <p>Traditional games need to be introduced from an early age in order to preserve and develop culture. Activities that aim to provide knowledge related to traditional games so that students can continue to preserve cultural heritage, so that students have character and have a national spirit. The results obtained from the activities carried out by students are more familiar with traditional regional games and are able to practice them well. With this socialization, it is expected that students can do more physical activity so that the health and social status of students will increase. Students are also expected to be able to maintain cultural heritage so that it is well maintained and increase self-confidence to become the nation's successor with character.</p> 2023-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## a SOCIALIZATION OF PHYSICAL FITNESS TESTS & MEASUREMENT EARLY AGE FOOTBALL PLAYER AT SCHOOL BANGKALAN REGENCY FOOTBALL 2023-07-26T01:56:52+00:00 Haryo Mukti Widodo <p>The dissemination of tests and measurements of the physical fitness of early football<br>players is very important as one of the supporters of a structured and programmed<br>long-term football coaching system. This is important to maintain how the physical<br>fitness of a soccer player can be maintained until the age of his peak. The socialization<br>of tests and measurements of physical fitness was carried out for three days with the<br>target of football schools in Bangkalan Regency (Prabu FC, Bangkalan Soccer<br>Academy, and Dimensie FC) sequentially. Positive responses can be well received<br>by players, coaches and coaches as if it were football, which means that the solution<br>program for existing problems is able to have a positive impact on partners.</p> 2023-07-25T00:00:00+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Improving Shuttlecock Product and Brand Management for Shuttlecock Entrepreneurs and Craftsmen in Nglaban Village and Sumengko, Nganjuk Regency 2023-11-28T10:44:35+00:00 Yanuar Triardhana <p>Community service activities regarding shuttlecock products and brand<br>management for shuttlecock entrepreneurs and craftspeople in Nganjuk<br>Regency have the aim of providing more in-depth information about<br>shuttlecock products and brands in order to improve marketing and also to<br>advance the economy of the surrounding community. The method used is<br>offline socialization regarding product management and shuttlecock brands<br>using PowerPoint tools and learning modules. The community service team<br>uses projectors, laptops, mics, outreach materials, and documentation tools<br>as tools and materials. The socialization material contains an explanation of<br>the quality, materials, and technology used. Not only that, but an explanation<br>was also given regarding how to manage patents and brands when labeling<br>products. The output of this activity is that entrepreneurs and shuttlecock<br>craftspeople are better able to market their own products, which already have<br>brands and patents. Apart from that, this activity is also beneficial for the<br>surrounding community by improving the economy.</p> 2023-11-28T10:44:35+00:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##