• Luh Putu Ayu Candra Dewi


In the current era of globalization, the need for fuel oil, especially in Indonesia, is increasing, accompanied by the development of means of transportation which are also increasingly a lot of transportation in Indonesia. Transportation has become a friend of the Indonesian people to save time and facilitate people's mobility to work. Given that Indonesia is still not able to meet the needs of domestic fuel production, new renewable fuels or will be needed to Renewable Energy or alternative energy replace fossil fuels for the future. This literature study was obtained from research articles for 2017 - 2021. This research method refers to the “Standar Baku Mutu Bioetanol” which is the quality standard used to test the feasibility of bioethanol before it is marketable. Based on the results of the search for articles after identification, 10 articles that are relevant to the research are obtained. By obtaining the figure of 47% from one of the research articles mentioned, it can be seen that fruit waste is very effective to be used as raw material for bioethanol production. However, from all the articles that have been reviewed, they have not met the quality standards of bioethanol which will determine that bioethanol can be used as a mixture of other fuels. As much as 11.33% of the ethanol yield value contained in 550 ml of kepok banana peel waste, it can be concluded that fruit waste also has the potential to be an excellent bioethanol raw material to be used as a mixture of other fuels by conducting further research so that the appropriate value is obtained. Bioethanol quality standards from the Directorate General of Oil and Gas.

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