• Dahlia Ningsih
  • Priyo Adiwibowo


The development of sophisticated technology encourages economic growth which triggers an increase in the consumption of required energy. Alternative energy plays a role in preventing energy crises and is chosen because it is more environmentally friendly with renewable sources. Micro Hydro Power Plant (MHP) utilizes the potential energy of water to be converted into electrical energy with the help of a crossflow turbine. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the curvature of the curved cross-sectional blade on the performance of the horizontal shaft crossflow reaction turbine.This research uses an experimental method by varying the blade curvature of 90°, 120°, 150° and 180° with a curved cross section on a horizontal shaft crossflow reaction turbine. The number of blades used is 6 blades which will be tested with variations in water flow capacity of 9.572 L/s, 11.024 L/s, 14,322 L/s, 16,152 L/s, and 18,113 L/s. With variations in loading at 500 grams, 1000 grams, 1500 grams, and continuously until the turbine slowdown and even stops rotating.The final results obtained in this study were that the maximum power that can be obtained from the tests that have been carried out on the blade angle curvature of 120° is greater than the angle curvature of 90°, 150°, 180°, and the power value that can be produced is 4.008 Watt with loading 13000 grams when the water flow capacity is 18.113 L/s. The most optimal efficiency obtained from the turbine is that at 120° curvature it is greater than the blade curvature of 90°, 150°, 180° and the efficiency value that can be produced is 88.96% with a loading of 4500 grams when the water flow capacity is 11.024 L/ s. The reason is that the 120° turbine blade curvature is quite capable of utilizing the presence of water flow very well and can generate thrust which causes it to be able to rotate the turbine with a high power value along with great efficiency

Keywords : Turbine, Crossflow, Power, Efficiency,Horizontal, Curvature, Blade

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