Penerapan Konseling Kelompok Adlerian Untuk Mengurangi Sikap Rendah Diri Kelas XI-IA2 SMA Negeri Driyorejo Gresik



The purpose of this study was to examine the application of Adlerian group counseling to decrease the feeling of inferiority among student in class ofXI-IA2 in SMAN 1 Driyorejo, Gresik. The design of the research is preexperimental design, with pre-test and post-test one group design. Questionnaire was used as the method to collect the data to find out the inferiority degree inclass of class of XI-IA2 in SMAN 1 Driyorejo Gresik which was identified as having a high score in feel of inferiority. The data was analyzed by no parametric analysis using the sign test. From the data analysis result obtained ρ = 0,031 with the error degree of α = 5% or 0,05, then obtained that ρ < α. From the analysis obtained, showed that there was a score decline. So it can be concluded that the application of adlerian group counseling can decrease the feeling of inferiority among the student in class of XI-IA2 in SMAN 1 Driyorejo, Gresik

Keyword: Adlerian group counseling, inferiority

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