
Hasil observsi di SMK Negeri 1 Nganjuk pada siswa kelas X mata pelajaran konstruksi bangunan semester 2016/2017menunjukkan nilai hasil belajar siswa masih rendah. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari 64 siswa masih terdapat 43 siswa yang belum tuntas, disebabkan kurang nya inovasi dan motivasi dalam belajar, sehingga proses belajar mengajar di kelas menjadi pasif dan membosankan. Salah satu inovasi yang dapat memicu motivasi adalah metode everyone is a teacher here yaitu metode yang menggunakan media card quest.

Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen yaitu Quasi Experimental Design dengan rancangan Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Penelitian dilakukan pada kompetensi dasar macam-macam pekerjaan konstruksi kayu. Tahap pelaksanaan dalam penelitian ini meliputi penyusunan perangkat pembelajaran (silabus, RPP, Handout, dan Posttest), pelaksanaan pembelajaran dengan metode everyone is a teacher here pada kelas eksperimen, pemberian posttest pada kelas eksperimen dan kontrol yang telah divalidasi. Kemudian dilakukan analisis data dari data yang diperoleh dengan uji-t dan menghasilkan kesimpulan.

 Hasil analisis data deskriptif dan kuantitatif dari kelayakan perangkat pembelajaran yaitu 84.2% yang masuk dalam kategori sangat layak untuk proses pembelajaran, maka pembelajaran dengan metode everyone is a teacher here dengan media card quest sangat baik. Hasil belajar rata- rata siswa kelas eksperimen sebesar 85.6 dan perolehan nilai rata-rata kelas kontrol sebesar 70.1, denga hasil ttable = 1.670 and thitung = 2.34 dengan taraf signifikan sebesarf 0.05. Karena hasil perhitungan dari thitung>ttable, maka H0 diterima dan Ha ditolak, jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa kelas X TGB SMKN 1 Nganjuk dengan metode everyone is a teacher here lebih besar dari pada hasil belajar siswa dengan metode konvensional.

Kata Kunci : metode pembelajaran everyone is a teacher here, card quest, hasil belajar.

Based on observations conducted in Vovational High School in Nganjuk show that the learning outcomes of the tenth grade students on the subjects of building construction on half on 2016/2017 show that of the 64 students there are 43 strudents who have not completed, this is cause a lack of innovation and motivation in learning, so that teaching and learning in the classroom to be passive ang boring. One of method innovations that can be applied is a Everyone ia a teacher here method where this method uses media card quest in learning. This method that can improve learning outcomes for actively engaging students and improving students found courage.

This research uses Quasi Experimental Design research with a Nonequivalent Control Group Desig. Research was conducted on the basis of competence miscellaneous wood cobstruction work. The implementation stage of this research was the development of learning tools, wich include: syllabus, lesson plans, handout, and posttest. then do tye treatment in the experimental class and after that given the posttest, with research  instrument such as the feasibility of learning tools and value the results of the posttest.then do the data analysis of the data obtained by using t-test to get a conclusion.

The results of the data analysis by descriptive and quantitative study the feasibility of the device indicates the percentage of 84.2% included in the category of very viable for use in learning, learning means learning everyone is a teacher here method with card quest done well, and analysis of learning outcomes of students experimental got an average 85.6 and control class got 70.1, with value of t table = 1.670 and tarithmatic = 2.34 with a significanted value of 0.05. This means that the price tarithmatic>ttable, so H0 is accepted and Ha rejected, so it can be concluded that that results for students TGB SMK 1 Nganjuk with method everyone is a teacher here is greeter than the student learning outcomes using conventional methods.

Keywords:  learning methods everyone is a teacher here, card quest, learning outcomes.

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