
Hasil wawancara dengan guru mata diklat Konstruksi Bangunan Kelas X SMK Negeri 1 Mojokerto yang dilaksanakan sebelum penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar siswa tahun ajaran 2014/2015 mendapatkan rata-rata dibawah KKM. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya minat belajar siswa untuk memahami materi yang disampaikan oleh guru. Dalam menjelaskan materi masih sangat terbatas dan masih secara konvensional, siswa kurang termotivasi dalam belajar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kelayakan media pembelajaran video adobe premiere pada materi menerapkan spesifikasi dan karateristik bahan adukan dan pasangan pada konstruksi bangunan di kelas X TGB SMK Negeri 1 Mojokerto.

Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengembangan Research and Developmen (R&D) yang meliputi 6 tahap, yaitu; (1) potensi dan maslah: pengamatan tentang masalah yang timbul pada objek dan subjek sebagai bahan untuk diteliti, (2) pengumpulan data: studi lapangan dan studi literature perancangan produk, (3) desain produk: peniliti medesain produk media pembelajaran, (4) validasi desain: validator menguji kelayakan produk, validator dari dosen jurusan Teknik Sipil FT Unesa dan guru TGB SMK Negeri 1 Mojokerto, (5) revisi desain: peniliti merevisi desain produk sesuai saran validator, (6) uji coba produk: uji coba dilakukan kepada kelas X TGB 1 sebanyak 30 siswa.

Hasil penilitian menunjukan bahwa media pembelajaran video Adobe Premiere termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak. Hasil validasi dari aspek media mendapatkan rata-rata 4.6 dengan kategori sangat baik, dan validasi dari aspek materi mendapatkan rata-rata 4.6 dengan kategori sangat baik. Hasil uji coba terhadap 29 siswa kelas X TGB1, bahwa 24 siswa dinyatakan tuntas dan 5 dinyatakan tidak tuntas artinya kecapaian pembelajaran menggunakan media pembelajaran video adobe premiere sangat baik dan hasil belajar siswa dinyatakan berhasil.

Kata Kunci: Konstruksi  bangunan, video adobe premiere, pengembangan


The interview with the teacher of Building Construction class in SMK Negeri 1 Mojokerto which was hold before the research was conducted shows that the subjection mean of students’ learning output during 2014/2015 period is under the KKM. That condition is caused by the lack of students’ interest in understanding the material delivered by the teacher. The purpose of this research is to know the expediency of Video Adobe Premiere learning media on applying specification and characteristic of mortar substances and stretcher-bond in building construction in tenth grade TGB class of SMK Negeri 1 Mojokerto.

The research used in this study is development research, Research and Development (R&D) which consists of six stages, those are: (1) Potential and problem: observation of the problems emerges on the object and subject as the data for the research, (2) Data collection: field study and literature study of the product design, (3) Product design: the researcher designs the product of learning media, (4) Design validation: testing the expediency of the product, the examiners of validation are the lecturer of civil engineering department, Faculty of Engineering, Unesa and the teacher of TGB class, SMK Negeri 1 Mojokerto, (5) Design revision: the researcher revises the design of product based on the suggestions from the examiners of validation, (6) Product testing: the product testing is held toward tenth grade TGB 1 class which consists of 30 students.

The result shows that Video Adobe Premiere learning media is highly suitable for teaching. The result of validation from the media aspect is 4.6 which is categorized as extremely good and from the content aspect is 4.6 which is also categorized as extremely good. The result of product examination toward 29 tenth grade students of TGB class shows that 24 students have successfully reach full grade, and 5 students have not reach full grade, It means that the use of Video Adobe Premiere learning media has successfully increased the students’ learning output.

Key words: Building construction, video adobe premiere, development.

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