• Aldi Masda Kusuma Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Purwo Mahardi


Pada era digitalisasi saat ini, media berperan penting dalam pembelajaran. Namun, dari permasalahan yang diperoleh bahwa di kelas XI Desain Pemodelan dan Informasi Bangunan (DPIB) di SMKN 3 Surabaya, tahun ajaran 2020/2021 guru masih belum menggunakan peran media penunjang individu sebagai media belajar interaktif siswa. Karena, selain keterbatasan media guru hanya memberikan bahan ajar berupa Modul Elektronik yang belum dilengkapi gambar, audio, dan video. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya pengembangan media E – Modul yang bersifat interaktif dengan salah satunya menggunakan aplikasi Lectora Inspire. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mendapatkan nilai persentase hasil analisis deskriptif terhadap aspek kelayakan media E – Modul Interaktif berbasis software aplikasi Lectora Inspire, dan respon siswa terhadap media E – Modul Interaktif berbasis software aplikasi Lectora Inspire. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini yaitu metode analisis deskriptif terhadap 10 jurnal tentang pengembangan media E – Modul berbasis Lectora Inspire. Berdasarkan hasil analisis satitistik deskriptif diperoleh nilai data persentase rata – rata kelayakan media E – Modul interaktif berbasis software aplikasi Lectora Inspire meliputi aspek tampilan media yaitu 78,65% dengan kriteria ‘‘layak’’, aspek segi bahasa 78,83% kriteria ‘‘layak’’, aspek isi atau materi 85,57% kriteria sangat layak, aspek kemudahan teknologi 77,3% kriteria ‘‘layak’’, aspek keterbacaan 84% kriteria ‘‘sangat layak’’ , dan aspek umpan balik siswa 85,19% kriteria ‘‘sangat layak’’. Maka, secara keseluruhan nilai variabel aspek kelayakan, diperoleh nilai yang mewakili rata – rata  kelayakan media sebesar 81,60 % dengan kriteria ‘‘sangat layak’’. Selanjutnya, dari  hasil analisis deskriptif data tentang  penilaian respon siswa terhadap ketertarikan segi kualitas tampilan, isi, dan kemudahan teknologi memperoleh persentase rata – rata yang mewakili data sebesar 81,51% dengan kriteria yaitu ‘‘sangat layak’’. Kata Kunci: analisis deskriptif, e – modul interaktif, kelayakan media, lectora inspire, respon siswa.

In the current era of digitalization, media plays an important role in learning. However, from the problems obtained in class XI Modeling and Building Information Design (DPIB) at SMKN 3 Surabaya, the 2020/2021 school year teachers still have not used the role of individual supporting media as a medium for student interactive learning. Because, in addition to the limitations of the media, the teacher only provides teaching materials in the form of Electronic Modules that have not been equipped with pictures, audio, and video. Therefore, it is necessary to develop interactive E-Module media, one of which is using the application Lectora Inspire. The purpose of this study is to get the percentage value of the results of descriptive analysis of the feasibility aspect of the E-Module Interactive media based on the application  Lectora Inspire, and student responses to the E-Module Interactive media based on the application  Lectora Inspire software. The method used in this research is a descriptive analysis method to 10 journals about the development of E-Module media based on Lectora Inspire. Based on the results of analysis statistical descriptive, it is obtained that the average percentage data value of the feasibility of the E - interactive module based on the application Lectora Inspire software includes the media display aspect, namely 78.65% with the "feasible" criteria, the language aspect 78,83% the '' feasible'', content or material aspect 85.57% very feasible, technology ease aspect 77.3% ''feasible'', readability aspect 84% ''very feasible'' criteria, and student feedback aspect 85.19 % criteria ''very feasible''. So, the overall value of the feasibility aspect variable, obtained a value that represents the media's average feasibility of 81.60% with the criteria of ''very feasible''. Furthermore, from the results of descriptive analysis of data on the assessment of student responses to interest in terms of display quality, content, and ease of technology, the average percentage representing the data is 81.51% with the criteria of ''very decent''. Keywords: descriptive analysis, e – interactive module, media eligibility, lectora inspire, student response


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