
  • zuli atin Universias negeri surabaya
  • Djoni Irianto


Pengaruh penerapan model pembelajaran dengan media maket pada proses belajar di SMK pada mata pelajaran gambar konstruksi oleh penelitian terdahulu merupakan fokus pada penelitian kali ini. Metode penelitian artikel ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan meta-analisis. Pengumpulan data sekunder diperoleh dari Google Cendekia serta JKPTB UNESA. Dari proses seleksi jurnal penelitian dilakukan dengan membaca abstrak dan  diperoleh 45 jurnal yang menggunakan media maket dalam pembelajarannya, setelah diseleksi didapat lima penelitian yang sejenis. Kemudian dilakukan pengkodean jurnal (coding) untuk mempermudah pengumpulan dan analisis data. Penganalisisan data penelitian meliputi effect size dari implementasi model,  media, serta berdasarkan materi yang diajarkan. Secara menyeluruh implementasi model pembelajaran berbantu media maket pada mapel Gambar Konstruksi Bangunan tinggi pengaruhnya dengan  = 1,35. Dari kelima jurnal yang dikaji keseluruhan menggunakan media maket dalam pembelajarannya. Effect size paling besar yaitu pada materi menggambar instalasi plumbing dengan  sebesar 3,20 dan termasuk kedalam kategori tinggi. Untuk karakteristik model pembelajaran yang digunakan perhitungan effect size terdapat 3 jurnal yang sama memakai model Problem Based Learning memperoleh nilai  sebesar 1,60 serta memperlihatkan i nilai efeknya dengan klasifikasi tinggi. Melainkan untuk dua jurnal yang lain  menggunakan model pembelajaran Cooperative Learning juga masuk dalam kategori tinggi dengan nilai  sebesar 0,98.

Kata Kunci: Meta-analisis, Effect size, Model Pembelajaran, Maket, Gambar Konstruksi Bangunan

The effect of applying the learning model with mock media on the learning process in Vocational High Schools on the subject of construction drawing by previous research is the focus of this research. The research method in this article was performed using a meta-analysis. Secondary data collection was obtained from the Journal of Educational Studies in Building Engineering, UNESA and Google Scholar. From the selection process of research journals, it was done by reading abstracts and obtained 45 journals that used mock-up media in their learning, after being selected, five similar studies were obtained. Then the coding of the journal (coding) is carried out to facilitate data collection and analysis. The effect scale research on this look at is the impact size of the usage of the studying model, the impact size of the studying medium used and the effect size associated with the material. The effect of using a learning model in a mockup media on the subject of building construction drawings is high with  = 1.35. Of the five journals studied, all of them used mock-up media in their learning. The biggest effect size is in the plumbing installation drawing material with  of 3.20 and is included in the high category. As well as the calculation of effect size depend characteristics of the learning model used, there are 3 similar journals using the Problem Based Learning model with a value of  of 1.60 and shows the classification of the effect value is included in the high category. Meanwhile, for the other 2 journals using the cooperative learning model, they are also included in the high category with an  value of 0.98.

Keywords: Meta-analysis, Effect size, Learning Model, Mockup, Drawing of Building Construction





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