Pengaruh Penggunaan Bahan Ajar Handout Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada Elemen Estimasi Biaya Konstruksi XI TKP di SMK Negeri 1 Kediri

  • Moch Ndaru Wicaksono Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Djoni Irianto Universitas Negeri Surabaya


This study aims to (1) assess students' learning achievement on the element of Construction Cost
Estimation by using handout teaching materials, as well as evaluating the learning achievement of students
who do not use handout teaching materials on the same element (2) identify differences in learning
outcomes between students who use handouts and students who do not use handouts on the element of
Construction Cost Estimation. This research uses a quantitative approach with experimental methods. The
method used is a quasi-experiment with a research design of nonequivalent control group design. This
research adopts a quantitative approach by applying experimental methods, by applying a quasiexperimental research design known as nonequivalent control group design. The experimental group and
control group were selected using purposive sampling technique. The results of descriptive statistical
analysis showed that students who used handouts obtained an average result of 81.47, while students who
did not use handouts obtained an average result of 72.60. Based on the normality prerequisite test using
the Saphiro-Wilk assisted SPSS v25 program, the experimental class pretest results were 0.71, the
experimental class posttest results were 0.59, the control class pretest results were 0.52, the control class
posttest results were 0.82 so that all data has been tested normally distributed because the significance
value ≥ 0.5 so that it can be continued with parametric tests. Based on the homogeneity test using the
levene assisted SPSS v25 program, the value based on mean 0.104 ≥ 0.5 so that the data is homogeneous.
Based on hypothesis testing using independent sample t-test assisted by SPSS v25 sig value (2-tailed) 0.000
< 0.5, it is concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. So, there are differences in learning outcomes
between students who use handouts and students who do not use handouts that affect the use of handouts
on student learning outcomes.

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