Hubungan Tinggi Badan, Kelentukan Otot Punggung dan Kekuatan Otot Perut Dengan Jarak Sundulan Bola





The purpose of this study was to obtain empirical information on how much the relationship of height, muscle flexibility and strength of the abdominal muscles back to header the ball distance, either individually or simultaneously (together).The target of this research is a football player in club football son globe Youth aged 14-17 years and jmlah samples taken as many as 20 players.The method used in this analysis using quantitative descriptive statistical methods and associative, while the process of data retrieval is done by taking measurements (tests) on each sample.

Results of research conducted on men's football club players aged 14-17 years Junior globe on the relationship of heigh, flexibility back muscles, and abdominal muscle strength with a header ball distance,then be concluded that: (1) The magnitude of the correlation coefficient between the variables height to header the ball distance equal to 0.6933. The results of t-test states that the value of 4.0819 t> t table 2.101. It can be said that the height variables have a significant relationship to the distance variable header of the ball. (2) The magnitude of the correlation coefficient between the variables back muscle flexibility to header the ball distance equal to 0.760. The results of t-test states that the value of 4,964 t> t table 2.101. It can be said that the back muscle flexibility variables have a significant relationship to the distance the ball header. (3) The magnitude of the correlation coefficient between the variable strength of the abdominal muscles on a header ball distance equal to 0.908. The results of t-test states that the value of 9,186 t> t table 2.101. It can be argued that the variable strength of the abdominal muscles have a significant relationship to the distance variable header of the ball. (4) The amount of multiple correlation coefficient was 3.11, the price calculated F (5.94848)> F table (3.59) in accordance with the criteria can be said that the height variable, variable flexibility back muscles and variable strength abdominal muscles together have a significant relationship to the distance variable header ball.


Keywords: Height, flexibility Muscles, Abdominal Muscle Strength, Distance Heading Ball

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