Contribution of physical fitness to outbound sports skills

kontribusi kebugaran jasmani terhadap kemampuan olahraga outbound

  • jihad dinastika abadi Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Andun Sudijandoko


Each individual requires physical fitness that is not the same as the activities that he does every day.
Likewise, a healthy individual physical fitness will enable individuals to have a good level of
physical ability including in doing outbound sports. The purpose of this study was to determine the
contribution of physical fitness to the ability of outbound sports. The research method uses
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) which is done by collecting existing research data then
identified and evaluated. The results of the study found that physical activity has a close relationship
with physical fitness with a low relationship level. Whereas the outbound game produces physical
fitness of students in the medium classification and there are few respondents whose physical fitness
is in good classification. A person's physical fitness carried out by exercise and physical activity on
a regular basis will benefit both physical and spiritual health. The academic benefit is to produce
students who are smart and healthy both physically and spiritually because it can have a positive
impact on the school.
Keywords: Physical Fitness, Sports Ability, Outbound

Jurnal Kesehatan Olahraga
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