Hubungan antara ketangguhan mental dengan kecemasan bertanding pada atlet beladiri Lamongan

Hubungan antara ketangguhan mental dengan kecemasan bertanding pada atlet beladiri Lamongan

  • Darmawan Darmawan UNESA
  • indra himawan susanto Universitas Negeri Surabaya



Given that mental toughness in athletes has a major influence when competing to overcome anxiety, this study aims to determine the relationship between mental toughness and competition anxiety. This research uses correlational research. The subjects used in this study were 30 people from Lamongan martial arts athletes. The research instrument used in this study were the mental toughness scale and the competition anxiety scale using a questionnaire. The data analysis used in this research is the product moment correlation test. The results of data analysis obtained a correlation coefficient of -0.369 (r = -0.369). Meanwhile, based on the results of the coefficient of determination analysis, it can be seen that the mental toughness variable gave an effective contribution to the competing anxiety variable by 43.1% and 57.9% from other factors which were not examined in this study.

Keywords: Mental Toughness, Competition Anxiety, Athletes

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