The Studi Literasi Pengaruh Latihan Circuit Training Terhadap Peningkatan VO2Max Atlet Sepak Bola Usia 18 Sampai 23 Tahun


  • tri laksono teguh afriyanto unesa


Football is one of the sports that is done by ball with the aim to enter the ball / make a goal against the opponent's goal and protect the net so that it is not easy to concede the ball. In soccer, the players' abilities, techniques and physical conditions are very influential in the team's performance when competing. Physical players can be seen from the athlete's VO2Max ability during training and during the match. VO2Max is the uptake of oxygen during maximum exertion. VO2Max is expressed in liters / minute. In increasing VO2Max, it can be done by training circuit training. Circuit training is a training program used to increase the physical abilities of soccer players. Based on the data and information obtained, researchers are interested in conducting research to find out whether there is an effect of circuit training on increasing VO2Max in soccer athletes aged 18 to 23 years. In this study, a qualitative method is used to obtain the results of a problem to be studied with data from interviews, observation and documentation. Based on the results of research studies with the literacy process of several similar research results and several foreign and domestic journals from 2012 to 2020, results were obtained where exercises, circuit training if carried out continuously regularly and maintaining body health, will be able to increase the player's VO2Max to the maximum , so that players do not easily feel tired and can also continue to focus when in a match.

Keywords: Football, VO2Max, Circuit Training.


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