Analisis Video Pelatihan Pembelajaran Menggunakan Metode MODEREN “Motoric Development for Special Children” Di SLB Siswa Budhi Surabaya

  • Reysa Ardi Rihandita -
  • Fatkhur Rohman Kafrawi Universitas Negeri Surabaya


The variety of materials and equipment to support training activities at the Budhi Special School Surabaya is considered very minimal. The teacher only uses simple and unattractive tools, so that the motor development of the students is not optimal. Teachers need new and innovative equipment that are able to increase student interest in learning, so that it has an impact on the quality of motor skills and optimal motor development for the them. this article provides a solution in the form of MODEREN (Motoric Development for Special Children) model tool development result. MODEREN is a learning model using modified tools that can be used in games during learning. MODEREN aims to train the motor movements of the student’s mentality, train courage, and establish interaction and cooperation between students. The instrument in this study used an observation sheet which recorded the results of the analysis in the form of: 1) the names of the tools used in the MODEREN training model, 2) notes of the difficulty level at each tool stages, 3) recording the results of students who did training with the tool. From the learning of this MODEREN tool training, it can be seen that using the MODEREN model is very effective. This evidence is supported by the results of the tests, the percentage of student before the training are 42.05, while at the Post-Test the percentage of student training results reaches 57.68. With these results, it can be seen that the students in Budhi Special School Surabaya basic motor movements are increased by 15.63%.
Key Words: MODEREN, Gross motoric, Students with mental retardation.

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