Pengaruh Circuit Training Terhadap Kondisi Fisik Atlet Silat Remaja PPS Jokotole Bangkalan Pada Masa Covid 19

  • Prima Yoga Nanta Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Himawan Wismanadi Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Pencak silat is a martial art originating from Indonesian culture. As part of Indonesian culture, pencak silat has developed along with the history of the development of Indonesian society. Physical conditions include speed, strength, explosion and durability are the physical components possessed by a pencak silat athlete. The presence of the corona virus (covid-19) that spreads in almost every country, causes a broad challenge and a broad socio economic instability, and caused the training at PPS Jokotole Bangkalan to undergo a very drastic reduction in the intensity of the exercise, in addition non-scheduled exercise also cause problems with the physical condition of each athlete individually. One of the physical training programs is circuit training, this type of physical exercise consists of several positions carried out at a certain time and varies from one position to another. In this problem researchers want to analyses the influence of circuit training on the physical condition of the teenage silat athlete PPS Jokotole Bangkalan, does it have a significant impact on their physical condition or not. The type of quantitative quasi-experimental research is used in this study, with a survey method that uses tests to measure physical condition, with a population sample of 10 youth silat athletes PPS Jokotole Bangkalan. The data were analyzed using the paired sample t test formula. Based on data analysis it can be concluded that there are several significant influences of 5 kinds of physical conditions tested in this study. Finally, this research is expected to contribute and be useful for the development of science, especially in the field of achievement sports.

Jurnal Kesehatan Olahraga
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