Motivasi Orang Tua Mengikutsertakan Anaknya Berlatih Renang di Klub Pahlawan Tuban

  • Hasna Sani Jihan Canavalia Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Noortje Anita Kumaat Universitas Negeri Surabaya



The role of the parents is still a major factor in a child’s the development and achievement. Because parents were the first madrassa before getting to know the outside environment. Everything that is best for a child is the desire of all parents, so it is not surprising that different ways are being done to get it. The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted children's learning activities, so they feel bored because they don't carry out activities as usual. This certainly makes parents sympathize, so there are many alternative ways to deal with it, one of which is by involving their children to join a club, for example a swimming club. The purpose of this study is to find out how much motivation parents have to include practicing swimming in the Pahlawan Tuban club. The study uses a quantitative descriptive method approach by making the angkette an instrument of the study. Samples are taken by the total sampling techniques, as many as 34 people. The data collected is prepared with the help of the likert scale. As a result of the study shows that the motivation of parents includes children practicing swimming at the Pahlawan Tuban club is very high with a total of 89,01%. In addition to parental motivation, children's motivation also needs to be considered, so that they can provide input to the trainer if the child is less motivated, various ways can be done to improve this. For example, by providing special exercises or new movements that can spur children to be more motivated as well.

Keyword : Motivation, Parent, The Covid-19 Pandemic, Swimming

Jurnal Kesehatan Olahraga
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