• Hasbi Ash Shiddieqi Universitas negeri surabaya
  • Abdul Aziz Hakim Universitas Negeri Surabaya



This study aims to determine the problems caused by Covid-19 in Indonesia management of the futsal field in Gresik City, and provide evaluations to overcome the impacts caused by Covid-19 on the management of the futsal field in Gresik City. The method used in data processing is a qualitative method, this method uses a field survey method and interview of futsal field manager in Gresik city. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in The use of futsal field performance in Gresik City has decreased which can be seen in the field rental  futsal in Gresik City has decreased by 50% -90% from a financial point of view and has decreased by 50% - 70% in terms of visitors. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has also resulted in problems such as:  payment of taxes, operational costs, reduction of employee salaries, as well as reduction of employees from several futsal field management in Gresik City. The results of the analysis in this study there are several  The problems generated by Covid-19 on the futsal field in Gresik City are limited visitors,  reduced financial and human resources used, changes in applicable regulations, and results in  the impact of reductions in staff and salaries given. The solution in handling this problem is  provide a more attractive marketing strategy for consumers so that the value of public interest the use of the futsal field in Gresik City has increased, renovating the futsal field with the model which is more classic aims to provide a more comfortable impression for consumers, as well as  repair and complete the facilities and infrastructure provided to consumers or futsal field users in Gresik City.

Keywords: impact, covid – 19, futsal field, gresik city.

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