• Kartiko Permadi Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Noortje Anita Kumaat Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Kicking the ball is a technique that must be owned by a soccer player because in terms of its function, this technique is useful for passing the ball to friends at various distances and shooting the ball towards the goal. The background of this research is because researchers see that the shooting ability of 12-year-old athletes is still weak in tournament events. Squat jump is used as a form of exercise that is able to increase muscle strength in the legs which will have an impact on increasing the athlete's proficiency in practicing shooting. In this study there is literature that discusses the role of the abdominal muscles in increasing shooting power. This study aims to determine the effect of squat jump training on shooting strength or shooting athletes in soccer games. This type of research is a literature review or literature study. The data used was obtained from research conducted by previous researchers sourced from the Google Scholar and Science Direct websites. The data used are 10 journals, namely 3 international journals and 7 national journals. The results of this literature review stated that the squat jump training treatment had an effect on increasing the firepower of football players. The squat jump exercise is considered effective in increasing shooting power in soccer games and increasing leg muscle strength in soccer athletes.

Keywords: squat jump, leg muscle strength, abdominal muscle strength, power shootingKicking the ball is a technique that must be owned by a soccer player because in terms of its function, this technique is useful for passing the ball to friends at various distances and shooting the ball towards the goal. The background of this research is because researchers see that the shooting ability of 12-year-old athletes is still weak in tournament events. Squat jump is used as a form of exercise that is able to increase muscle strength in the legs which will have an impact on increasing the athlete's proficiency in practicing shooting. In this study there is literature that discusses the role of the abdominal muscles in increasing shooting power. This study aims to determine the effect of squat jump training on shooting strength or shooting athletes in soccer games. This type of research is a literature review or literature study. The data used was obtained from research conducted by previous researchers sourced from the Google Scholar and Science Direct websites. The data used are 10 journals, namely 3 international journals and 7 national journals. The results of this literature review stated that the squat jump training treatment had an effect on increasing the firepower of football players. The squat jump exercise is considered effective in increasing shooting power in soccer games and increasing leg muscle strength in soccer athletes.
Keywords: squat jump, leg muscle strength, abdominal muscle strength, power shooting

Jurnal Kesehatan Olahraga
Abstract Views: 29