Tingkat Kondisi Fisik Atlet Bolavoli Putri Kategori Taruna Klub Bolavoli Vini, Vidi, Vici Kota Blitar

  • Viramanda Vidyan Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Soni Sulistyarto Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Physical condition in the world of sport is very important to support the success of athlete in health and achievement. In volleyball, a physical condition is needed by a coach to develop an athlete. In general, there are 10 types of physical condition components, but the component supports volleyball training have 4 components of physical condition among others, endurance, strength, speed, and flexibility. The purpose pf this study was to find out about the level of physical condition of athlete ages 14-17 years at the Vini, Vidi, Vidi women’s volleyball club in Blitar City. For this research will be conducted by means of survey research method. This research will be carried the average and standard deviation of each components, then after carrying out each components, another calculation will be carried out using the T-Test will later have categories, very good, good, enough, less, and very less for endurance will using a 1km run test, for strength will using sit up and push up test, for speed will using a run 60 meters test, and flexibility will using a sit and reach test. For the calculations obtained, the level of physical condition in the experimental group of 5,6% athlete entered in very good categories, 22,2% athletes entered in good categories, 50% athletes entered in enough categories, 16,6% athletes entered in less categories, and 5,6% athlete entered in very less categories.

Keyword: physical condition, caded ages volleyball

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