Identifikasi Motivasi Terhadap Aktivitas Olahraga Rekreasi Pada Pegawai Bidang Olahraga Dispora Provinsi Jawa Timur
Recreational sport is an activity carried out as a physical and spiritual refreshment for a person. According to Sandi, recreational sports are part of the process of restoring one's health and fitness, besides that it aims to get joy and fun and can preserve Indonesia's national culture. Recreation is a universal activity, recreational activities are not only carried out with sports, for example, arts, crafts. hands, performing arts or other special events with the intention of giving satisfaction or pleasure to oneself. The purpose of this study was to determine the motivation of employees in the field of sports, Dispora, East Java province towards recreational activities. The research used is descriptive quantitative research. The method used in this research is a quantitative method. The population used in this research is the staff of the East Java Dispora in the field of sports achievements in 2022, totaling 17 employees using the total sampling technique. From the total data results obtained, the percentage level of motivation for recreational sports activities in East Java Dispora sports employees can be described as follows. Employees classified as very high amounted to 5 employees with a percentage of 29%, high category amounted to 8 employees with a percentage of 47%, low category amounted to 0 employees with a percentage of 0%, low category amounted to 4 employees with a percentage of 24%. With these results, the level of motivation for recreational sports activities for employees in the sports department of the East Java province is in the high category.
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