Kajian Moral dan Kewarganegaraan https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa <p>Kajian Moral dan Kewarganegaraan is an online journal published by the Study Program of Pancasila and Citizenship Education (PPKn) of the PMP-KN Department, Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISH) Universitas Negeri Surabaya. The journal, which was previously published three times a year, has been published four times a year since 2022, namely in February, May, August, and November. It contains research results in the fields of citizenship, education, ideology, politics, social affairs, humanities, values, and morals.</p> Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) en-US Kajian Moral dan Kewarganegaraan 2337-473X KESADARAN HUKUM SISWA KELAS XII TERHADAP LARANGAN BULLYING DI SMAN 19 SURABAYA https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/article/view/58884 <p><em>This research aims to measure the legal awareness of class XII students regarding the prohibition of bullying behavior at SMAN 19 Surabaya. This research uses a quantitative approach with descriptive methods using the sample size was 80 respondents, namely class XII students from SMAN 19 Surabaya. The data analysis technique used in this research is the percentage technique. The results obtained state that the level of legal awareness of class XII students regarding the prohibition of bullying behavior at SMAN 19 Surabaya is in the sufficient category with a percentage of 54%. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the four indicators of legal awareness show the results with the following details are legal knowledge is 61.67% in the sufficient category, legal understanding is 57.41% in the sufficient category, legal attitude is 47.7% in the poor category, legal behavior is 48.86% are in the poor category. This research it was found that good knowledge and understanding of the law does not necessarily guarantee obedient attitudes and behavior. This is due to internal factors such as within the human conscience which is aware of the values in society as well as external factors such as simply being afraid of sanctions, the existence of regulations or even being conditioned.</em></p> Tiara Wahyuningtyas Rahmanu Wijaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 11 4 763 772 TINGKAT NASIONALISME WE-A KPOPERS (PECINTA KOREAN-POP) KEDIRI https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/article/view/58891 <p><em>Recently, Korean culture has been in great demand by Indonesian people, especially Korean-Pop. Globalization is one of the causes of the rise of Korean-Pop culture in Indonesia. This is because technological developments have made Korean-Pop easily accessible to everyone, so this has resulted in Korean-Pop having many fans, especially in Indonesia. There are quite a lot of Korean-Pop fans in Indonesia, some of them have even formed associations or communities. One of the Korean-Pop communities is WEA-Kpopers. It is feared that there are so many Korean-Pop fans in Indonesia that this could be a threat to the decline in the level of nationalism in Indonesia. This research aims to describe the level of nationalism of the WE-A Kpopers community. This research uses quantitative research methods with a descriptive approach. This research uses a saturated sampling technique. The sample in this study amounted to 110 people. The data collection technique in this research is by distributing questionnaires. The results of this research show that the level of nationalism of the WE-A Kpopers (Korean-Pop Lovers) Kediri community has a high level of nationalism, namely 84 people (76.4%) in the high category, 26 people (23.6%) in the medium category and none of them are in the low category. Looking at the indicators of nationalism, it is known that the indicator of love for water is the highest indicator and the indicator of tolerance is the lowest indicator.</em></p> Selsa Aulia Dwi Susanti Maya Mustika Kartika Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-07 2024-03-07 11 4 773 787 PERAN ISTRI SEBAGAI PEKERJA BAKAL PECI DALAM MEMBANGUN KETAHANAN KELUARGA DI DESA WARUK KECAMATAN KARANGBINANGUN KABUPATEN LAMONGAN https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/article/view/59124 <p>Abstract<br>Family resilience involving the role of the wife is influenced by several factors such as the duration of difficult situation to face, the stage of family development, eksternal sources of internal support and commitment. The aim of this research is to describe the role of the wife as a future worker in building family resilience. This research approach is qualitative. The focus of this research is the role of wives as future workers in building family resilience from the aspect of socio-cultural resilience. The location of this research is Waruk Village, Karangbinangun District, Lamongan Regency. The selection of subjects was carried out using a purposive sampling technique based on the criteria of workers who would work outside the home, with working hours &gt; 48 hours per week, as well as a high income contribution, namely the wife's income &gt; 50%, and actively participating in activities in the community and six research subjects were obtained. Data was collected through in-depth interviews. The data analysis technique uses the Miles and Huberman technique through four stages of data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data verification compared to Robert K. Merton's structural functionalism theory. There are seven ways to build family resilience, namely: 1) managing time, 2) self-management, 3) prioritizing, 4) collaborating, 5) establishing good relationships, 6) participating in PKK activities, 7) strengthening understanding of religion. The research results show that equilibrium in the family will be achieved if the roles are carried out well by the role holders. However, in this case there is another factor, namely the values held by the wife who works as a bridesmaid, namely the values of respect and patience, which then become internal encouragement that shapes the behavior and decisions of research subjects who are sincere in carrying out role dualism. This is the key to forming family resilience.</p> Fitrotuz Zahroh Oksiana Jatiningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 11 4 799 814 10.26740/kmkn.v11n4.p799 - 814 PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN INTERAKTIF BERBASIS GAME VISUAL NOVEL PADA MATA PELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN PANCASILA DI SMA NEGERI 20 SURABAYA https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/article/view/58887 <p><em>The current learning system necessitates instructional media that can meet the needs of learners. The existence of technology facilitates teachers in designing and creating instructional media that is most suitable for students, one of which is the use of games. This Research and Development (R&amp;D) study aims to develop a game-based instructional media with a Visual Novel genre, expected to facilitate students in comprehending the material, particularly in the Senior High School Phase F, which is the Implementation of Pancasila in Daily Life. Additionally, the study seeks to assess the feasibility and the response of students towards the developed instructional media. The development process is carried out using the ADDIE model (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, Evaluation), grounded in the cone of experience theory by Edgar Dale. Validation is conducted by media and subject matter experts, and for limited trial subjects, students from the 11th grade of SMAN 20 Surabaya are selected due to their high interest in learning with technology, as observed during the PLP implementation. Based on the validation results, the developed instructional media received an average score of 4.1 in the highly feasible category for media and 4.3 for the subject matter. The limited trial conducted by 30 students from the 11th grade yielded a score of 4. The results of the conducted tests lead to the conclusion that the Visual Novel game-based instructional media being developed is deemed suitable for use in the subject of Pancasila Education.</em></p> Dhinendra Choirum Min Alfi Syach Listyaningsih Listyaningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-03-09 2024-03-09 11 4 788 798 PENGUATAN IDEOLOGI PANCASILA DALAM ORGANISASI PIMPINAN ANAK CABANG IPNU - IPPNU GEGER MADIUN https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/article/view/10.26740%2Fkmkn.v11n4.p815%20-%20831 <p>Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan upaya yang dilakukan oleh pengurus Pimpinan Anak Cabang IPNU-IPPNU&nbsp; Kecamatan Geger Kabupaten Madiun dalan penguatan Ideologi Pancasila di oraganisasi IPNU-IPPNU. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini&nbsp; Teori penguatan (<em>reinforcement theory</em>) yang dikembangkan oleh B.F.Skinner. pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitalif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini mengambil informan dari ketua Pimpinan Anak Cabang IPNU-IPPNU dan anggota Pimpinan Anak Cabang IPNU-IPPNU Kecamatan Geger dengan teknik Purposive sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data yang digunakan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa upaya Penguatan Ideologi Pancasila di organisasi IPNU-IPPNU yang dilakukan pengurus Pimpinan Anak Cabang IPNU-IPPNU&nbsp; Kecamatan Geger Kabupaten Madiun yaitu : (1) internalisasi nilai-nilai Pancasila dalam kegiatan sehari-hari yang dilakukan didalam organisasi PAC IPNU IPPNU yaitu dalam kegiatan seperti khatam Al Qur’an, Sholawat Al-barjanji, Dhiba’, Tahlil, baktisosial, musyawarah rutin, peringatan haribesar nasional dan kegiatan pengkaderan. Dari internalisasi niali telah mampu memunculakan sikap dan perilaku yang sesuai dengan Ideologi Pancasila serta nilai ke-NU-an. Dampak yang diperoleh yaitu (2) sikap dan perilaku yang dimunculkan anggota dapat menjadikan mereka seorang masyarakat yang baik (<em>good citizenship</em>) serta nilai ke-NU-an yang&nbsp; <em>rahmatan lil'alamiin</em><em>.</em> Tantangan yang dihadapi yaitu (3) perkembangan digital yang pesat , Pengkaderan yang sulit, serta keikutsertaan anggota yang minim dalam berorganisasi.</p> Alviana Munadhirotur Rohmah Muhammad Turhan Yani ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/issue/view/3048 2024-05-29 2024-05-29 11 4 815 831 10.26740/kmkn.v11n4.p815 - 831 PENINGKATKAN KEAKTIFAN PESERTA DIDIK MELALUI MODEL PEMBELAJARAN TEAMS GAMES TOURNAMENT DENGAN MEDIA WORD SEARCH PUZZLE https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/article/view/10.26740%2Fkmkn.v11n4.p832%20-%20843 <p><em>This classroom action research is to increase the activity of students in class The design of this research is Classroom Action Research (PTK) with research subjects of 35 students. This research refers to the Kemmis and Mc Taggart PTK model, which was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle includes planning, implementation, observation and reflection activities. The success criteria for this research is that 75% of students have learning activities in the high category. The variables of this research are the application of TGT with Word Search Puzzle media and active learning. Data collection techniques use observation, questionnaires and documentation. In accordance with the data collection technique, the data collection instruments used were observation sheets, questionnaires and task checklists. The collected data was then analyzed using quantitative descriptive techniques with percentages. The results of this research show that in cycle I as many as 66.4% of students were in the high learning activeness category. This percentage increased to 91.8% in cycle II. Thus it can be concluded that the action hypothesis formulated is acceptable. So the application of the Teams Games Tournament learning model with Word Search Puzzle media can increase students' active learning.</em></p> Farah Dhiba Fauziah Oksiana Jatiningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 11 4 832 843 10.26740/kmkn.v11n4.p832 - 843 PEMANFAATAN APLIKASI CANVA SEBAGAI MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN PENDIDIKAN PANCASILA DAN KEWARGANEGARAAN https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/article/view/57164 <p><em>In</em><em> learning Pancasila and Civic Education, the majority of teachers deliver subject matter only guided by the sibulus program, RPP in accordance with the curriculum assisted by package books and LKS books. However, teachers do not use visual learning media so that the learning atmosphere is less interesting, boring, and the subject matter is difficult to understand. Teachers are required to have the ability and competence in creating active, creative, and innovative learning media. The Canva application is one of the supporting applications in developing electronic-based learning media. The Canva application can be used to design learning media for Pancasila and Civic Education. Canva is not only suitable for slide presentations, but it can also be used to create posters, infographics, learning resource cards, and so on. With these various options, teachers can present material in a more diverse and interesting way. The research method taken is research aimed at describing and analyzing phenomena, events, activities, perceptions, thoughts of people individually, and in groups. Qualitative research is a problem that arises from the data left open by the researcher. The subject of this research was carried out at SMP Nusantara Plus in South Tangerang. This research instrument uses interviews. With the results of the research that Pancasila and Civic Education Teachers at SMP Nusantara Plus South Tangerang city agree with the existence of electronic-based learning media, such as the Canva application to help teachers design effective learning media to increase interest in learning Pancasila and Civic Education in SMP Nusantara Plus Students in South Tangerang city. As for the use of this Canva application for responses from grade VII.2 students of SMP Nusantara Plus South Tangerang city that learning using electronic-based Pancasila and Civic Education learning media interests and curiosity.</em></p> Nanik Andarwati Yulita Pujilestari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-22 2024-06-22 11 4 844 851 10.26740/kmkn.v11n4.p844-851 PENANGANANAN CHILD ABUSE MELALUI PROGRAM SEKOLAH RAMAH ANAK DI SMPN 9 SURABAYA https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/article/view/59243 <p><em>This study aims to describe the handling of child abuse through the Child Friendly School program at SMPN 9 Surabaya and analyze teacher constraints in handling child abuse through the Child Friendly School program at SMPN 9 Surabaya. This research was analyzed using Bronfenbrenner's ecological theory which discusses 5 levels of environmental systems that affect and are affected by child development. This research uses a descriptive qualitative-based approach. Informants in this study were selected using purposive sampling technique. The data sources used in this research are primary and secondary data sources. The data collection techniques used were passive participant observation, semi-structured in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques were carried out by reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. Data validity techniques using triangulation techniques. The results of this study are the handling of child abuse through the Child Friendly School program at SMPN 9 Surabaya consists of providing a complaint channel, checking the truth, providing treatment (coaching), and communicating with outside parties (handover). The obstacles faced are the constraints of physical punishment, the constraints of parents/guardians who are less cooperative, and the constraints of student conditions. Constraints on the condition of students in the form of lack of control of students over themselves, lack of motivation to go to school due to family problems, lack of openness of students, and the assumption that child abuse is normal.</em></p> Putri Nala Ellanda Raden Roro Nanik Setyowati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-23 2024-06-23 11 4 852 869 10.26740/kmkn.v11n4.p852-869 PERAN GURU DALAM MEMBENTUK KARAKTER DISIPLIN SISWA PASCA COVID-19 DI SMAN 20 SURABAYA https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/article/view/60122 <p><em>Online to offline learning in the post-pandemic period has resulted in a decrease in the character of discipline in students. This has caused teachers to think about how to shape students' disciplinary character during post-pandemic learning and what problems teachers face in shaping students' disciplinary character. In the world of education, the teacher is a figure who has an important role in guiding and educating students to have commendable character. The role of teachers in shaping students' disciplinary character in the post-Covid-19 pandemic at SMAN 20 Surabaya teachers have roles such as teachers as demonstrators, teachers as class managers, teachers as facilitators and mediators, as well as teachers as evaluators. Teachers also have solutions to the problems faced during the post-pandemic period. In school education, there are character values that are considered important to support learning activities, namely discipline. The method used in the research is descriptive qualitative. The location of this object is SMAN 20 Surabaya. Data collection techniques using observation and interviews data analysis conducted in this study using the analysis method according to Miles and Huberman, which includes data reduction, data display, and data verification. The results of this study show how teachers play a role in shaping students' disciplinary character in post-Covid-19 and the problems faced by teachers. This has a solution provided by the teacher in shaping the character of discipline.</em></p> Muhammad Sahrul Oksiana Jatiningsih ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-23 2024-06-23 11 4 870 884 10.26740/kmkn.v11n4.p870-884 INTERNALISASI NILAI GOTONG ROYONG DALAM TRADISI RUWAH DESA DI KELURAHAN BLOOTO KECAMATAN PRAJURIT KULON KOTA MOJOKERTO https://ejournal.unesa.ac.id/index.php/jurnal-pendidikan-kewarganegaraa/article/view/60475 <p>Gotong royong merupakan ciri khas yang dimiliki Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia yang tetap harus di jaga. Dan gotong royong merupakan bentuk sederhana dari Pancasila. Tradisi akan selalu berkaitan dengan gotong royong. Globalisasi membuat tidak adanya batasan dalam mengakses segala informasi. Di tengah masyarakat modern saat ini gotong royong dalam tradisi mulai ditinggalkan sehingga perlu internalisasi untuk menjaga kelestariannya. Mempertahankan Ruwah Desa sama hal nya menjaga nilai gotong royong yang ada. Penelitian ini dibuat untuk mengetahui proses &nbsp;internalisasi nilai gotong royong yang ada dalam tradisi Ruwah Desa di kelurahan Blooto. Dengan menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif. Dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Dan menggunakan teknik analisis data model analisis interaktif oleh Miles dan Huberman. Untuk membantu mempermudah penyelesaian penelitian kali ini.</p> Anisya Kurnia Illahi Maya Mustika Kartika Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 11 4 885 889 10.26740/kmkn.v11n4.p885-889